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(T. = Todorokis POV)
(B. = Bakugous POV)
(3.= 3rd person POV)

He Walked up to Yaouroza in school, She turned around and hugged him, Then he slowly pushed her off. "I'm so sorry!! Is it too early for stuff like that, Oh dear! I'm sorry!!" Yaouroza said while blush spreads on her face from embarrassment, "No... It's just we need to Talk." Shoto Looked at her frowning. The first thing that went to her mind Was "Breakup." "ARE YOU BREAKING UP WITH ME..?!?" Yaouroza accidentally shouted while her voice breaking from the tears being held in, She ran off crying and everyone was looking at Todoroki then whispering. He sighs and walks to class.

After school (b.)

The Extra left his book in my Dorm, from last time we studied together, Seems like he went home. I slowly starts walking to his home not knowing if it's a good idea.

Father was "training" me as usual but way harder this time. Because I broke up with "Such a pretty girl" I started to yell and cry loud hoping anyone can hear me and save me he started to use his on me. I couldn't help but yell loud, I hated being treated like this, Ever since Touya left and Mom, Things started to become worse.. I hate it here it HURTS so much.. Pleade come back Touya..

As I was walking to Icy hots house I heard screams, Saying "help me" I got my phone out and dialed Aizawas number, it wouldn't take long for him to get here, probably 12 minutes..
He finally arrived and we heard "Help me!!" The place was surrounded by Ambulances, Polices And Pro hero's. Except one, Endeavor. They all charged inside and what they saw was horrible... Shoto's skin was half burned and his stomach was horribly bruised with cuts and Blood. His last word before pasting out was "Help me.. " he was HURTING all this time.. And we never knew

I'm now 24 and Happily married To the Pro hero named "Red Riot" But I miss that extra..

The end.... Or is it?.

(Hello!! Sorry for not posting a lot And not keeping my promise, But should I make a new story about krbk life style right now? Or keep this one )

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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