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[Look at my underrated gf]

It was bakugou, I quickly got up and looked at him "w-why was I laying on you..." Todoroki asked "You fell asleep moron. Tch We're almost there anyways" bakugou responded, Todoroki sat next to bakugou quiet until they got to school.
"Hey Todoroki-kun! I Brought you chocolates!" Yaoyorozu came up to todoroki when he first walked in the classroom "huh..? For??" Todoroki asked confused "its almost valentines day silly!" She said

"B-but I was wondering will you be valentines..?" Yaoyorozu asked while todoroki took the chocolates, Of course yaoyorozu had an crush on todoroki, an big one to be exact "Ofcourse It seems fun" Todoroki awnsered The whole class Was happy for them and wooing execpt for 2 people mineta, and bakugou.

"Hey dude you alright? You've been staring at them for along time!" Kirishima stated "yeah sipshit. Just kinda pissed.." Bakugou told him "oh wh-" Kirishima got cut off by aizawa  "enough lovey dove stuff Turn to page 237 on Your texts books "

Ather the class ended and it was lunch Todoroki and yaoyorozu sat together, Bakugou was jealous. Yeah he liked todoroki, he just couldn't admit it

Yaoyorozu pulled out a pocky and looked at todoroki and put it in her mouth, Todoroki looked back at her and put his part in his mouth they began too chew the pocky till their mouth was close together, bakugou wanted too be todorokis first kiss until he cane up with an plan "OI, ponytail The principal wants you or shit." He said Yaoyorozu walked off not finishing the pocky

Bakugou walked over to Shoto "Oh hello bakugou" he greeted bakugou. "Meet me in my dorm at 5." Bakugou told him then walked off, he just wanted to get to know to Candycane idiot.

" Bakugou told him then walked off, he just wanted to get to know to Candycane idiot

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🍓🍓5:00PM 🍓🍓

Todoroki walked to Bakugous dorm, he was nervous cause why would bakugou ask HIM to come ANYONE BUT IT WAS HIM. He soon got to bakugous dorm and knocked "Its open idiot!" Bakugou yelled from inside. Todoroki went inside and sat on the bed "So uh..?" Todoroki said while kinda questioning while he was here. "So you help me with out next test." "But you're super smart..?" "WHATEVER BASTARD" Todoroki laughed, then he looked at bakugou "where is your book?" "RIGHT HERE IDIOT"

(Hi! So that's the end of this partt)

400 words!

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