The Move.

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I woke up from my sleep and rolled over to look at my clock. 3:28am.  This was the billionth time I had woken up already.  I slowly rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom.  

"Well maybe you should just kill yourself!" my father screamed as my mothers sobs grew heavier.

My parents were fighting again.  I looked in the mirror as I washed my hands, then headed back to my room.  I got myself comfortable and drifted back off to sleep. 

It was pretty sad that I was able to sleep through this arguing because it had become so normal. When it first started I stayed up late crying silently, terrified that something was going to happen to my mom. Since I was six, my dad had been abusing my mom. I had no idea why she ever stayed around. I was sixteen now, and things had only gotten worse.

I ended up waking up early, having barely any sleep and walked downstairs to see my mom sipping her coffee. Waking up early was not my ideal spring break plan. It was the fouth day of the five out of school, and every single morning I had been up early.

"Morning," I said in my still half-asleep voice.

"Oh you're awake. Good morning, Honey. We need to talk." 

My face dropped, I hated when she said we needed to talk or she had a question.

"I think you're old enough now to understand certain things that might not have made sense to you before. Sometimes people get together because they have a strong interest each other, you know that. You're sixteen, you've been in relationships. But other times, they're there because they feel like they don't have any other choices. I tried to leave your father numerous times, you've seen me crying about it. He's forced me to stay here. I have no idea why I didn't try harder to leave, but I just.. I gave into him. I felt like having both your father and your mother would be best anyways. Your father never layed a finger on you. But now, he's told me he doesn't want me around anymore. We're going back to my hometown. Silver Spring. Silver Spring, Maryland. We'll be there with grandma and my family. Your father said to be out by Saturday, so we'll be busy packing this week." she said, without taking a single minute to process her thoughts.

What hit me the hardest was that she was able to tell me this without a single change in her emotions. No sadness came over her that she had put up with it for this long, no tears thinking back on how happy they used to be. Just.. one single solitary emotion, one she usually had when she was lecturing me. A certain sterness about her face.

The other part of my mind was lingering on what she had just told me. Moving. That far away. She can't be serious. "Well I still had plans with Autumn today, or am I not allowed to do that anymore?" I said sarcastically, still annoyed she had just told me this.

It was Thursday now, so Saturday meant I had little time left here. I hope she wasn't going to make me cancel my plans with Autumn. I needed something to keep me sane during all this chaos.

"No, go ahead Tee. You had plans today. I can't keep you from those, but be sure when you get back home you start packing stuff you don't need. Just to get the unnecessary stuff out of the way. I don't want to wait until last minute." she said.

I ran back upstairs to my room without even eating breakfast and slung on clothes. I wanted as much time to spend with Autumn before my mom pulled me away from her.


"But moving. Do you even hear me Autumn? MOVING." I said in a whiny voice.

She looked up, "I know, but it's not like it's gonna be that bad. Where are you even moving to anyways?"

"Where I'm moving to makes it just that bad. I'm going to Maryland."

"Maryland. What the hell is your mom thinking!? You can't leave me Tia."

Silver Spring. (Trevor Jackson) [NON-famous story.]Where stories live. Discover now