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To the residents of the Rosetta household, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are delighted to invite you to their son, Xander Johnson's union with Clarissa Sorenson...

I held back the tears and reached for the separate envelope that came along with the invitation.

Hey Vi,
I know this is short notice and I really wanted to ask you sooner, but you've been busy with a bunch of stuff lately. Which I totally don't blame you for by the way. Congratulations on getting accepted to Harrison Academy. I hope your music studies go well, it is a great school after all. Any who, if you don't mind, could you sing at my wedding? Anything that you think will represent me would be great. I love you so much.
Sincerely (Your Bestie),

Bestie? What kind of friend pulls this kind of stunt? My heart was completely shattered. And what the heck was she talking about? What 'Harrison Academy'?

"Violet did you read the letter?" Granny called from the parlor.

"Yeah, I'm not going." I said flatly.

"Of course you're going pumpkin, they asked you to sing didn't they?" She frowned.

"I'll just apologize and say I can't make it. I have work that day anyways." I replied.

"Oh nonsense, it won't hurt anyone if you take one day off. Besides, you won't need that horrid excuse of a job much longer." She scoffed.

"What do you mean?" I narrowed my eyes almost immediately.

Her eyes widened for the slightest moment and she quickly shut up. Before I could bother her about it she went to Gramps for help.

"Violet before you get mad, know that we only have what's in your best interest. Knowing that you're very into music, we decided to enroll you in Harrison Academy." Gramps said slowly, trying to keep me calm.

"As much as I appreciate the offer, I've already graduated high school. Two years ago in case you didn't remember." I frowned.

"This school is different Violet, it helps develop your individual talent as a growing teenager. We've already enrolled you and they've gladly accepted." He said with almost a warning tone.

"So I have no choice in the matter?" I asked flatly.

"No." He said.

"Well in that case, I'm leaving seeing as I'm a legal adult. I'll go to the wedding for the sake of your reputation, but I won't attend that school. It was my eighteenth birthday after all." I ignored their protests and went to pack my bags.

Things were going to be fine, I just know it. The Wedding would be a breeze. It just had to be.

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