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I went inside of the house with my head down so my parents wouldn't see my face. I got into another fight and I lost again.

"Callum is that you?" My mom called from upstairs.

"It's just me" I told her

"Callum is usually here before you, do you know where he is?" My mom asked worried.

"No, and why should I care? He's just a filthy animal" I rolled my eyes going up the stairs.

"Ruben" she grabbed my face "what happened to you"

"Nothing happened I'm fine" I pushed her off of me.

"No Ruben you are not fine, you don't think we haven't noticed but we have. Have you been getting into fights? What is going on with you"

"Nothing is happening mom, so just leave me alone and stop pestering me" I got to my room and slammed the door locking it.

They need to get their noses out of my ass.

It's been a few hours and Callum isn't back. It's starting to get dark out, can dogs see in the dark?

"Hey mom?" I shouted walking out of my room "did Callum come home?"

"Not that I know of" my mom from her room.

"I'm going out to find the mutt" I mumbled putting on shoes and grabbing my jacket. I decided to grab another jacket for the mutt because I don't think he even left with one. He might be freezing because it is pretty cold out.

It's been about an hour and I still haven't found him, it's like he just disappeared from the world. I even asked around going door to door to find him. There's one place that I haven't checked and it's the woods near the school. No one goes in there, there's rumors that if you go in you never come out, but if you're lucky enough you can get out but die in a hospital.

Taking a deep breath I went into the woods. Good thing I also brought a flashlight because it's fucking dark.

"CALLUM! ARE YOU HERE" I shouted going deeper.

I heard a Yelp of pain in the deepest part of the woods and I quickly ran. It sounds like Callum's Yelp.

"Callum oh my god" there I saw Callum with an arrow in his side bleeding badly. "Callum I'm right here, you'll be okay" I got down to the ground and pulled him onto my lap.

*Callum after running*

I ran deep into the forest that's near the school. And I've been here for about an hour or two. I made myself a small den and I already found food. Currently I'm looking for sticks and rocks that I can make a fire pit with.

There's no werecreatures out here which makes me wonder if they got taken away or if they ran. This place is a beautiful place to live.

I need to make this fire soon, it's getting darker and colder. I shifted to my wolf form and picked up the sticks with my mouth walking to my new den.

"CALLUM! ARE YOU HERE!?" I heard Ruben.

Why his he looking for me? Pushing those thoughts out of my head I made it to the den. Now to start the fire. I shifted back to my human form and placed the rocks and sticks.

That's when something shot me in the side making me Yelp in pain.

I heard running from both of my sides. But only one had a flashlight and it was Ruben.

"Callum oh my god" Ruben came up to me and the other person who was coming up to me stopped "Callum I'm right here, you'll be okay" Ruben got on the ground dragging me onto his lap.

I looked down at the arrow that's stuck in me that's pouring out blood. I grabbed it and tried pulling it out but it's stuck.


"I thought you wanted me to die" I whispered feeling dizzy.

"Forget about that for fucks sake. I need to get you to a hospital"

Ruben got up then he picked me up bridal style. He managed to get out his phone and he dialed a number. I heard rustling in a near by bush. I can sense that it's the person who shot me.

"Ruben he's here" I whimpered pulling on his shirt.

"No, the woods by the high school, there's no woods at the elementary" Ruben shouted at the person on the phone.

"Ruben" I started crying.

"Hold on Callum you're fine" Ruben tried calming me down.

"RUBEN" I jumped out of his arms turning into my wolf form as the person in the bush started to come at us with a knife.

I jumped on the man and bit his arm making him scream in pain. Growling I bit down harder till I felt his bones on my teeth as they snapped.

"CALLUM STOP IT" Ruben pull me off of the man.

I growled at the man as I watched his face turn white. He's frightened, but that's not good enough for me, he needs to be petrified, more than petrified actually.

I heard sirens and saw blue and red flashing lights.

The man tried getting back up and I stepped on him barking. Ruben made me get off of him once again and I turned into my human form. I didn't make myself do that.

"You're okay Callum, leave him be" Ruben held onto me. Something smells different about him than most humans.

"POLICE AND MEDICS, IS ANYONE HERE" a women shouted nearing us.

"OVER HERE" Ruben grabbed the flashlight then started flickering the light.

"I'm sorry Ruben, I can't stay awake much longer" I whispered to him my body finally giving out.

"Don't you dare fucking die on me, I did not come all this way to find you to fucking die, do you hear me" Ruben cried his tears falling on my face.

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