🖤Chapter 9🖤

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Taehyung POV:

She nodded.

Y/n: Okay... I will sleep here. Good night, Tae.

She said while smiling, approaching to the couch.

Taehyung: No.

Y/n: Wae?

Taehyung: You will sleep with me, on the bed.

Y/n: I-

She was feeling uncomfortable at that thought, I'm not well... I guess I will let it slide for this time or else she might get it.

Taehyung: Fine, but you will sleep on the bed and I will sleep on the couch.

Y/n: But-

Taehyung: Don't even dare try to disobey me.

I warned her. She nodded quickly in fear. I smirked.

Taehyung: Good.

I went towards the couch and she went towards the bed.

*Time skip*

*2.13 am*

Y/n POV:

I woke up with the sound of sneezing, I knew it was Taehyung. This man just won't listen. I got up and heard him sniffing and snoring. I giggled silently at his cuteness. I picked him up, he was of course heavy. 

Luckily, the couch was next to the bed. Omg, Taehyung-ah! I finally kept him on the bed. I switched off the air conditioner and slept on the couch. I didn't forget to cover with him with a thin blanket, otherwise he will feel hot.

*Next morning*

Taehyung POV:

I woke up with the best sleep ever. Wait why am I on the bed? I looked at the couch and saw her tiny body all curled up with the blanket, she looked like a cute marshmallow.

 Wait why am I on the bed? I looked at the couch and saw her tiny body all curled up with the blanket, she looked like a cute marshmallow

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But why did she sleep on the couch, I touched her face and stopped when she whined.

Y/n: Mm~

I smiled at her cute face. She pouted sitting up with the blanket around her head and she suddenly booped my nose. I widened my eyes in shock. She just giggled.

Taehyung: What was that for?

Y/n: Because y-you look cute in the morning.

She said with her cute raspy morning voice while she whined in the end.

Y/n POV:

Y/n: Okay go to the washroom, I will go after you.

He hummed in response and left. I immediately stood up in groaned in pain. I stretched for a few seconds and went to the bed. I smiled smelling Taehyung's scent... I like him... no... I love him...

(Sorry for the short chapter, I will try to make the next story a bit more longer.)


J-Hope you enjoyed!


Next chapter coming up! Borahae!
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Made: May 09, 2021

Published: May 18, 2021

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