🖤Chapter 2🖤

484 19 2

Y/n POV:

???: And I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.

OMG! DAEBAK! HIS FEATURES ARE SO PERFECT AND HIS- WTF AM I THINKING?! I shook my head vigorously and looked out. Taehyung looked at me weirdly and shrugged it off.

*Time skip*

We all got out of the car. I was still handcuffed. I opened my mouth as I was shocked how big the mansion was, mine was big too but theirs was bigger.

Jimin: Close your mouth or else a fly will come inside, if you can't close it, I will kiss you so you will shut your mouth.

He said while giving this cute eye smile. I looked away and shut my mouth closed. Just then Jin hit the back of Jimin's head.

 Just then Jin hit the back of Jimin's head

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Jungkook: Come on, let's go inside.

I sighed and nodded. Jungkook held my hands. We entered the house to the living room.

Jungkook: Wait here.

I simply nodded and waited. It took 15 minutes. I groaned and was about to stand up but just then Jimin came. I gulped since I get really nervous around him because of his flirtiness. I just can't handle them.

Jimin: Baby, come here.

Y/n: Don't call me that.

I said while glaring at him. He chuckled.

Jimin: Okay, come here. Everyone is waiting.

I sighed and nodded. I sighed for 47289743269 times today. I sighed again. Me and Jimin entered a  big hall, which looked like a meeting hall.

 Me and Jimin entered a  big hall, which looked like a meeting hall

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WOW! DAEBAK! My thoughts were interrupted by this jerk.

Taehyung: *clears throat* Shit down.

I couldn't hold it and burst out laughing. Omg that was so funny!

Namjoon: Taehyung-ah, it's sit down, not shit down. How many times do I-

Y/n: No no no, it's okay Namjoon oppa. It's funny.


I immediately stopped laughing.

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