🖤Chapter 16🖤

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Taehyung POV:

Taehyung: Who is- Jennie?


Jennie smiled at me widely, I looked back and saw Y/n... she just nodded and gave out a small smile and left outside.

Jennie: Taehyung-ah!

She came running to me with a cute smile on her face. I missed that smile. I would see it every morning. I smiled at the site. She hugged me tightly.

She pulled out and said

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She pulled out and said...

Jennie: Shall we go out?

Taehyung: But what about your husband?

Jennie: He said it's fine, he trusts me and he knows that I love him very much.

I nodded and sadly smiled. Do I still love her? No, I love Y/n. WAIT-

Jennie: Come on, let's go!

*Time skip*

*At the park*

Y/n POV:

Y/n: Aish, I ran 4000 steps!


I decided to walk back to the car. I turned around and I saw Taehyung resting on Jennie's lap while Jennie was smiling.

 I turned around and I saw Taehyung resting on Jennie's lap while Jennie was smiling

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I looked away and teared up.

Taehyung POV:

I miss sleeping on her lap, when we were together. I opened my eyes to see a familiar figure. I sat up and she looked away.

Taehyung: Y-Y/n?

Jennie: Huh? Y/n?

Taehyung: There.

I said pointing towards her.

Jennie: Oh no, she must have gotten the wrong idea. Go get her, Taehyung. Don't change because of me, okay? I would be happy, if you would be good to others...

I smiled and nodded. I looked back at Y/n, she started running but she bumped into someone.

Y/n POV:

Oh no, he saw me. I better run away. I don't wanna ruin their moment. Unknowingly, I started tearing up. I thought he loves me, but I don't know what's going o-

Y/n: Ow-

I bumped into someone while looking down. I looked up at the person, I bumped.

Y/n: Mian-


Y/n: What... How? It can't be...



J-Hope you enjoyed!


Next chapter coming up! Borahae!
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Made: May 14, 2021

Published: May 18, 2021

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