🖤Chapter 21🖤

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Y/n: Then, I'm leaving... good bye!


Taehyung POV:

Y/n: Then, I'm leaving... good bye!

I smirked as she left to her room.

Jin: Wait Y/n-

*door bang*


Jin: I regret saying that. We need her. Without her we all would become greedy and selfish. She showed us friendship and love and now it's time for us to return it back.

Jungkook: Taehyung hyung, please!

Taehyung: Stop whining like a baby and f*ck off!

Namjoon: We can't let her go.

Hoseok: I agree. What were we even thinking?

Y/n POV:

I knew it! I knew they hate me! I started to call Jake.

*In the call*

Jake: Yubose-

Y/n: Jakey?

I said, while I started to sob.

Jake: Oh no Y/n? What happened? Why are you crying? Is it Taehyung again?


Jake: What?! Wait, I'm comi-

Y/n: No! Don't come! I just wanted to say this... thankyou for being there for me! thankyou for being my best friend forever! I will never forget the time where you accidently kissed a guy thinking it was Ryujin (a girl in high school, Jake had a crush on and no she is his gf) *chuckles sadly* and when we always would eat ice-cream together after school and also when we used to prank on the teachers. Those were one of my memorable moments! Goodbye Jake!

*hangs up*

I didn't let him speak and hug up. I sighed deeply and wiped the tears of my eyes. I packed up my clothes in a suitcase and came out of my room. I stood there as I saw all the members right in front of my room. 

Y/n: What do you want?

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Y/n: What do you want?

I asked coldly.

Namjoon: Where do you think you're going?


Just then Jimin arrived.

Jimin: Hey guys, I'm-

I ran to Jimin oppa with my suitcase.

Jimin: What happened, Y/n-ie?

Great, I have a plan! I pointed at Bts except Jimin.

I looked up at Jimin oppa, while still hugging him.

Hoseok: Aish, it's not gonna work?

Jimin: What's not gonna work?

Jungkook: She i-

I cut him off by saying...

Y/n: They won't let me go to a sleepover with Jake.

Jimin: Seriously guys?

Jimin oppa asked annoyed to the rest of BTS.

Jimin: I thought you were better than this.

BTS except Jimin: BUT SHE-

Jimin: Oh just shut up! She has been stuck here for a long time. Let her go out for awhile.

Jimin oppa pinched my cheeks and I smiled. I pecked his cheeks and ran off to Busan. 

(They are currently living in Seoul.)

*Few weeks later*

Jake POV:

I haven't heard from Y/n since that call. I tried calling her but her phone is not working. I hope she is alright. Let's just go to Taehyung house, just to check her. I was starting to get negative feelings and started pacing around the room, thinking all negative thoughts about her.

Ryujin (Jake's gf): Babe? What's wrong?


Jake: Oh don't worry babe

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Jake: Oh don't worry babe.

I approached her and kissed her forehead.

Jake: I have to go out.

Ryujin: Oh ok but, can I bring my friends, Yuna and Yeji?



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Jake: Of course jagiya~

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Jake: Of course jagiya~

Ryujin: Okay bye~

Jake: Bye!



J-Hope you enjoyed!


Next chapter coming up next week! Borahae!
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Made: May 19, 2021

Published: May 20, 2021

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