T W E N T Y - O N E

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A/N: Remember the rules of Hogwarts do not always apply in this fanfic! As well as remember this is a Dracoxreader fic so Draco slander will not be accepted unless it's because of something he did in the story. I take my time writing these chapters and yes they still have grammar mistakes now and then but I do stay up at times until crazy hours of the night just to give you guys a chapter.

I was well failing a class because I was writing so much that I would push away the assignments I had to do. I have a somewhat better mindset now and I managed to get my grade up to at least a C, I'm a few points away from getting a B in the class so I'm very proud of myself.

I will continue writing this story but like I have said before it will take time to upload a chapter because I am a senior in high school and I do have to work my best to graduate.

T/W: Violence

Within the following days, things at Hogwarts changed and all because of the new professor. Draco, Fred, George and I were walking towards class when we saw Filch nailing something on the wall.

"Dolores Umbridge High Inquisitor" I read.

"Has she gone mental? Has the minister of magic gone mental as well? Why would they think there's anything wrong with Hogwarts, If anything, Umbridge is the one creating the problems" I said.

"The Minister probably wants the best for us, Father said she's best at her work, he said she'd even make a better Headmistress than Dumbledore," Draco said.

"Do you know how stupid you sound?" I said.

"It's true, maybe with her as Headmistress your father wouldn't have appeared here with you last year," he said.

I shook my head and continued to head to class. Throughout the days, Umbridge walked through the halls with her head held high. She would cast spells over students with messy uniforms that would fix them up and would push apart couples kissing in the halls.


"I'll see you after class yeah? We can find the twins and go to Hogsmeade" Draco said.

"Alright, we can find your two boyfriends and then head to Hogsmeade but you're buying me sugar quills" I laughed.

He laughed and was about to lean in to give me a kiss until we both got pulled away from one another.

"What the bloody hell," I said.

"There should be no public forms of affection in the halls," Umbridge said before walking off.

"Just leave it Y/n, head to class," Draco said.

He began to walk off before I Spoke.

"Are you not gonna kiss me goodbye?" I asked.

"You heard Umbridge, no form of public affection," he said.

"And since when have you cared about that?!" I asked.

"Let it go Y/n, it's one less kiss you get today, you'll live, I'll make it up to you in the dorm," Draco said.

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