1. Izuna

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"Aiden! Aiden!! Ahh, damn it..." I said in frustration.

The last part was but a murmur, as they weren't supposed to hear me swear. Suddenly, I felt a little hand in mine and looked down.

"Don't worry, Mr Uchiha", Lisa, the timid little girl who'd taken my hand, said. "You're doing a great job."

My heart melted. It was moments like these that made me realise all over again how much I loved my job. I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. I'd studied for years at university, graduated with an honours degree and a masters, and had been the best student of my year. It had made getting a job easy for me. But actually working was so different from when I was a student and always had access to a supervisor. Now, I was alone, working with a class of fifteen eight-year-olds. Most of them were angels, like Lisa. Others... Well, they were also angels, but hyperactive and incontrollable ones. Like Aiden, who was running around the classroom like a madman. But I had a few tricks down my sleeve. I hoped

"Aiden, son", I said. He stopped running around for just a second, and I knew the window of time I had to maintain his attention was microscopical. "You know this is only my second week at work, right?" He nodded. "Well, the thing is, the principal might come in and check how I'm doing. And I really, really want to make a good impression on her. If she would come in now, do you think she would be impressed with me?" Aiden shook his head. "I think she would be much more impressed if you sat down and listened." Aiden nodded. "I know and respect that you need to run off some energy, but please, for my sake, sit down. And I promise I will race you during PE class after." His eyes lit up and he sat down immediately, the thought of helping me out and racing me too good to deny. I continued my English lesson.

As opposed to many teachers, who specialised in two subjects, I taught English, maths, religion and physical education. I had worked very, very hard for it, but I thought the combination suited me perfectly as it enabled me to deep-dive and learn a little bit about everything every day. I made sure that my knowledge in the subjects were on high school level at least, except for maths, that was university level. I found that the more advanced my knowledge in a subject was, the easier it was to teach the children who only needed a basic understanding. And it enabled me to focus a bit extra on those who excelled, as well as help the ones who needed a bit more support. After class, I always had one hour where the children could stay with me and do their homework, to help those who weren't able to get help from home. It was unpaid, but I gladly did it. I didn't have much to do afterwards either, except training, which I did mostly to keep up with the little ones during PE class. As opposed to the PE teachers I'd had, I made sure to engage in the games I created for them, and they were fast.

"Off you go playing before PE!" I said as I finished my maths lecture. "Oh, and Aiden", I said as he got up to leave. He looked back at me, a worried expression on his little face, as if scared I would tell him off. "I am so proud of you. You did well!" He beamed. I smiled.

I got changed for PE class, putting on running tights and a T-shirt, re-collecting my hair in a ponytail. I usually had it at the base of my neck, but for sports, I put it up higher. I took some cones and a stopwatch I needed and went out to meet my class. I had promised them we would run today. As a kid, I knew PE was so awful for many, including me, so I made my best to not repeat the mistakes my own teachers had made, trying to let genetics play in as little as possible.

"We're running today. You may choose if you want to run short and fast, or long and slow. It's no competition. I have a stopwatch for those who want me to take the time, but you don't have to. I will race whoever wants to challenge me at the end of class."

In the end, they were all shrieking with laughter, and I was challenged so many times that sweat was pouring down my face under the hot autumn sun. At the end of class, the kids dropped off one by one to their parents who came to pick them up. One middle-aged mother came up to me with a warm smile.

"My son is talking about nothing but you all the time! He always hated school, but since the school start he can't wait to be back every day. He even goes to bed on time so that tomorrow will arrive faster, so he can see you again." She beamed at me. I blushed a little and looked away.

"I'm so happy to hear that."

"And you're so young! How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-three."

"My world, imagine how good you'll be when you're my age!"

"That's no age at all, ma'am." I said.

She glowed. Fuck, I was smooth. 

I showered in the staff's changing room. The school was newly renovated, so I found the showers incredibly luxurious, especially compared to what I was used to at home. I took my time, carefully washing my hair, brushing it out, and then letting the water go from scorching hot to icy cold over and over, something I always did if there was hot water available, which it always was here but more rarely in my apartment. I used heat protection cream in my hair and blow-dried it until it was straight, and put it up in a soft bun on top of my head. I put on black, ripped jeans, a long-sleeved black-and-white checked shirt and a black T-shirt over it, and a necklace with a thick chain and a locker on it that my brother had gifted me.


I knew why I dragged it out. I knew why I dragged the shower out. It was Wednesday, and it was the day I always visited him. Not because he expected me to. On the contrary, he had begged me for months now to stop coming, to take care of myself. I had refused. Of course I would visit him, honestly to clean my soul of any guilt. It didn't help, though. I still felt incredibly guilty, which didn't make sense as I was doing nothing wrong. I sighed and put my coat on, then went to the bus, sitting on needles the entire trip as I was nervous the ticket controllers would jump on at any station and I didn't have a ticket because I couldn't afford it. I got off at the hospital and went directly to his ward, ringing the bell. A nurse opened.

"Mr Uchiha! Welcome!"

"I've told you! Call me Izuna!"

"I know, I'm just messing with you!" The amicable, grey nurse patted me gently on my arm. "You look very stylish today."

"Thank you. So do you!"

"I wear my scrubs every time your here, love."

"I know." I winked at her, causing her to blush. I laughed inside. Karen the nurse always made my visits here more bearable. "How is he today?"

"Very tired", she said. "But coping. Not as heavy with the breathing today.

"Oh, good."

I went to the door of his room, took a deep breath, and went in.

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