9. Izuna

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Nothing bad seemed to come alone.

As I went came home from the hospital that night, I was exhausted, having left at seven am for work, gone directly to the hospital to come home at seven pm. But as I reached my front door in the stair house, there was a person standing in front of it. I recognised him as the landlord. What now?

"It's October 23rd, Mr Uchiha." Shit. "I need you to pack your belongings and leave."

"Now?", I asked, my voice cracking in panic. "But I have nowhere to go! Don't I get more time?"

"You have had more time. I warned you. You haven't paid the bill. It's October 23rd."

"But... But can I come back when I get the money for the rent?"

"A new family moves in tomorrow. I'm sorry, Izuna. I can't afford a tenant who doesn't pay."

That was when it struck me. That was when it struck me and I well and truly started to panic. I was homeless! Homeless! And I had nowhere to go! No family. No close friends. What was I supposed to do?! My phone was dying; how was I supposed to charge it?

"Please, pack your things and leave. Put the keys in through the mailbox. I wish you well." My old landlord turned and left.

I opened the door to my apartment, went in and closed the door behind me. For a while, I just stood there. I didn't feel much for my little apartment to be honest; the yellow walls were worn, the floorboards creaking. The furniture weren't even mine but part of the apartment, and the old rugs and couch smelled funny. But even so, this place had been a safe and cheap harbour for me for the past six months since Madara had fallen ill, allowing me to have a roof over my head and a clean bathroom while paying for his treatment. I was trembling as I packed what little belongings I had; my clothes, my toiletries, my laptop, which I would have to sell now to afford Madara's palliative care. I packed everything down in just one suitcase and a backpack. I made a couple of sandwiches, packed some crisps, two apples, three bananas and a bottle of water, then left. Without looking back, I threw the keys into the mailbox. I pulled my suitcase down the stairs and went out into the night.

I wandered aimlessly for a good few hours. I took my phone to Google things to do if you were homeless in this city with what little battery I had left, but my brain wasn't functioning, so I didn't get anything out of it. So I kept wandering. At midnight, I sat down at a bus stop, munching a sandwich. It gave my brain some fuel to start Googling things, but by now my battery was dead. Tomorrow, I would need to go to a cafe, buy tea or something and just sit down and charge it, figure out what I should do. But until then... Where was I going to go?

I suddenly found that I recognised my surroundings. Oh... I was in the park where Tobirama's church was located. I hadn't realised as I came into it from a different direction than the one we used to get to it from the school. I wandered around for a bit until I saw the vast building in front of me. It was all dark, meaning it was probably closed. I still went to the front door and pulled the door handle. It was locked. I wondered if Tobirama and his brother lived in the church? Probably not. I walked to the back of it, finding a patch of grass, cursing myself for not having brought a blanket and a pillow. I rolled up on the ground, pulling an extra jacked from my suitcase over my shoulders, and tried to fall asleep. It was hard at first, the air getting colder and colder, but I found that I soon fell into a restless sleep. 

I don't know for how long I'd been sleeping when I woke up. It took me a while to realise what had woken me; a rustling ahead of me, two men talking. What now? I was so pleased I had managed to fall asleep on my first night as a homeless; no way I could fall asleep again! The voices got closer and closer.

"Hey, look! A homeless!"

"Really? He doesn't look like a homeless. What are you doing here, kitty?"

In front of me were two drunken young men, both dark blonde and very stylish, probably in their thirties. They had clearly had a lot to drink.

"He looks delicious", one of them said.

"Fuck off", I said angrily. "I don't have the mental headspace for the lot of you at this point. Leave me alone and let me sleep."

Suddenly, one of them lifted a knife. Oh, shit... "I don't think so, doll." I knew I wasn't built for anything like this, especially seeing they were both taller and wider than me.

"Look, if I had any money, do you think I would really be sleeping here? I have nothing to offer you. Leave."

"Oh, you seem to have loads to offer us."

A shiver went down my spine, and in a millisecond, I was on my feet. "Don't you dare!" I screamed.

And they were over me in an instant. One of them slung his fist at the back of my head, causing my vision to blacken and my ears to ring. I felt a knee in the small of my back, and was pushed to the ground. One of them sat on top of me, and pulled my arms behind my back. First, Madara's deterioration. Then, becoming homeless. Now, being raped. My body immediately went into frozen fright to protect itself, and I couldn't move a muscle even if I had tried. The one who was not sitting on top of me was in front of me, caressing my face, putting his dirty fingers into my mouth. They tasted of cigarettes.

"You're a gem, you know that?" he purred.

I couldn't say anything, but a million maddening thoughts went through my head. The one who sat on top of me pulled my trousers down, and I could feel something hot and wet and hard against my backside. I don't want this, I thought. From the bottom of my heart, I really don't want this. Who will pay for Madara's treatment if I die? But at that point, it didn't matter what I wanted because the man behind me shoved himself in, tearing my insides apart. That woke me up from my fright, and I screamed out in pure pain.

"Shh, hush now, gorgeous. Be quiet for us", the one in front of me cooed, fondling my chin. I spat in his face. It was a bad idea, because his eyes suddenly shone white-hot with rage. The man behind me kept thrusting, grunting all the while. I'd heard that rape was purely about power, but the man riding me seemed to enjoy himself immensely, grunting and groaning in pleasure. It made me want to throw up. The man in front of me was unbuckling his belt now.

"Up on all four", he demanded, and the man behind me moved and forced me up on my hands and knees. The man in front then shoved his dick into my face, and the smell of it made me gag. I resisted and screamed out, but only for so long, because the man in front was just too strong, and on his way into my mouth, he forced himself past my teeth and I could feel my gums starting to bleed. I closed my eyes and tried to dissociate myself from the entire bizarre situation, but I couldn't. I was there all the time; in my body, in my mind, in my soul. I felt dirty. So, so dirty. What had I done wrong to deserve this? Had I not been a good brother, paying for Madara's medical bills? Had I not been a good and accepting teacher, teaching my pupils about equality and open-mindedness? What had I done wrong?

One of them thrusted behind me, the other in front. I couldn't budge. My behind and my whole face hurt so much, it felt as though I might faint. Please... Please end... Please stop this...

And then, I heard the most heart, wrenching scream I had heard in my entire life.

It was out of this world, animal-like, primitive. Like a predator who'd been deadly injured and was screaming out in pure pain. It wasn't even human.


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