8. Tobirama

222 20 55

It was midnight when my mailbox finally, finally pinged with a message from him.

The last week had been agony. I had really thought he liked me, but he hadn't written anything else since last Wednesday after my last meeting with his class. I thought I'd scared him away. Several times, I wanted to e-mail him myself, but decided against it, not because I wanted to play hard, but because I simply didn't want to scare him any more.

So when my mailbox pinged in the middle of the night, waking me up, I threw myself over my phone, and when I saw it was from him, my heart sang.

But something seemed to be seriously, seriously wrong.

From: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

To: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

Tobirama, please help me. Please... I can't deal with this alone 

From: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

To: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

Izuna, what's wrong? I'm worried.

T, xx

From: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

To: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

I haven't told you but my big brother is terminally ill. He has lung cancer. At a young age, without smoking. They went on to palliative care today.

Izuna, xx

From: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

To: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

Izuna, darling, from the bottom of my heart, I am so, so sorry. What do you need from me? I'm here for anything. You need someone to cook? You need me to come over? You want me to call you?

T, xx 

I meant every word I said. I would do anything for him, and didn't want anything in return.

From: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

To: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

Can we please write tonight? Just like this. I need to keep my mind busy.

Izuna, xx

From: contact.greenparkcatholicchurch@gmail.com

To: i.uchiha@applegreenelementary.com

Of course. Tell me about you and your brother. Please.

T, xx 

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