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"Haa... Haa..."

I'm very exhausted, and I am experiencing an extreme amount of pain.

"The metamorphosis has reached its limits, you'll have to train yourself from now on"

I'm in this state because of Metamorphosis Magic, which I've been using to strengthen my body, at first, there was only slight discomfort and soreness, increase in strength was also substantial, but as of lately it could only be described as nightmarish, my growth in power has also stagnated

Just as Alter said, I won't get any stronger with this, with magic that is.

As Alter said, from now on I will be going full in physical training, I've already prepared a personal gym in my underground base.

Of course, normal equipment won't be good enough for me, who is already in the realm of superhuman, so I enchanted the weights with 'Gravity Magic', I can increase their weights as I please.

Well, enough about that.

Today I'll be learning the last of 'Ancient Magic', I was supposed to learn it much earlier, but due to my parents ever-approaching deadlines in their respective jobs I had to help them out, so acquiring the last magic, and subsequently sleeping for several days, was postponed

I've already warned both school and club about my expected absence, so I don't have to worry about them.

I have to say though, having a school run by devils, and being one of them, is rather convenient.

"If you don't want to spend the next few days here, go to your room already"

I did as Alter instructed and went to my room

"You know, I haven't slept for so long I'm kinda excited now"

How long ago was it? I can't even remember.

"Are you an idiot?

"Don't be like that, Alter. Lately, I've been quite drowsy, you know?"

"Get some sleep then"


I've been really excited about magic, it didn't even cross my mind to get a shut-eye.

Anyway, I arrived at my room and sat on my bed.

Without anything else to say, Alter gave me the last remaining magic


To say it was painful would be an underestimation, it felt like my head would literally explode


Thus, I fainted after letting out such a scream, good thing I sound proved this room for this occasion.






Sometime later at school.

"I've missed quite a lot, huh"

I said absent mindedly to no one in particular in the gym hall.

I've acquired all the Ancient Magic, unfortunately, I didn't go all 'I understand everything in this world!', but I've indeed got enough understanding that I can take any concept and turn it into magic, it's called a 'Concept Magic', as the name suggests it can turn any concept into a usable spell, magic to perfectly resurrect dead? It's possible, magic to travel between worlds? Do I even need to say it? Magic to insta-kill anything regardless of its power? Pfft, a piece of cake... not really, while it is possible to do all of that, to create a spell a strong desire is needed, and that's underselling it, the desire needs to be beyond the level of obsession, bordering madness, and because the way it works, it's almost impossible to use a spell made by 'Concept Magic' more than once...

Transmutation Master DxD (arifureta X Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now