Letters & Guests

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Hello Octavia,

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Hello Octavia,

   Dumbledor told us about the Triwizard tournament, honestly it's so exciting. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be coming at the end of October. Everyone's really excited. Fred and George want to try to enter, the fools.

   The first hogsmead visit is on November 12, why you wanted to know is still beyond us. But I'm sure we'll learn in time. Everyone says Hello. Hope all is well.

            -Hermione & Ginny

PS Do you know anything mad eye moody. He's our new defense teacher.

Octavia sat at her kitchen island reading two letters that Hedwig, Harry's owl had delivered this morning. The owl still here waiting to be given letters to return to the kids at Hogwarts.

Octavia I'm sure Hermione's told you all about the triwizard tournament and all that. I wrote to snuffles about it. I hope you can come watch it and visit us. Ron says hello. We got a new defense teacher, mad eye moody. He's amazing he taught us how all the unforgivable curses affect the body. Best teacher after Moony of course. Snape of course is being a right awful git. The wanker.


Octavia smiled as she read Harry's letter. She wished she hadn't been so afraid and had contacted him when he was younger. Maybe things would be different. She summoned a pen, because quills were horrible to use and parchment to write back.


  Moody was an auror, he the one who trained Tonks and Natalie. Bit of a nut due to paranoia, but overall really great. Heard he's doing a good job teaching, so at least he's competent, cause lord knows I never had a competent defense teacher in my time.


  Don't worry Dumbledor won't let the goons enter. No matter how hard they'll try to. You should warn Ron that Krum is in his last year at Durmstrang. Might not be able to focus due to his obvious crush on him.

  I'll see you both soon and thanks for letting me know about the first visit. Take care and write me back about anything at all.



Don't worry too much about Snape's greasy bat self. Don't take shit from a man who doesn't know what shampoo is. Moody's great, just a lot sometimes, don't get on his bad side.

I've made some headway on snuffles case. He'll be home soon. Tell Ron I said hello. Write me for anything. See you soon.


Octavia sealed up the letters and sent them out with Hedwig after giving her a treat. She watched as the owl flew away until she could no longer see it and went to sit back down. She had nothing to do seeing as the season was over until April and Lynch was still out of commission due to the two times he hit the ground.

"Red fancy going for a walk?" She called to the dog who was lounging on the couch. He perked
Up and went to the door, Octavia followed and grabbed his leash to walk him through streets of muggle London.


Walking back into her apartment Octavia was surprised to see none other than Narcissa Malfoy sitting at her table.

"Well this is a surprise." Octavia said as she flicked her wand and had some tea started. "How are you Cissy?" Another flick of the wand placed a silencing charm on the apartment.

"I'm doing well." Narcissa said looking down at Red who simply laid by her feet. "How are you doing?"

"Well enough." Octavia replied and brought the tea tray out to the table. "So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit."

"I know you spoke to Cetus."

"He's my brother." Octavia lifted one eyebrow to look at her cousin.

"I also know you spoke to Draco."

"You left him at the stadium. After a death eater attack." Octavia said and took a sip of her tea. "I may be a bitch but I'm not cruel."

"I know that." Narcissa said. "I know that better than anyone. The golden child of the family, just like Sirius was but better."

"What of it Cissy?"

"You were just a girl when Cetus became a death eater. He was just a boy." Narcissa looked over to the wall of photos. Cetus and Octavia smiling in their uniforms, despite the different houses. Octavia holding baby Draco at the age of 7. New ones from the match, with the Weasley's and her team. One of Andromeda and her family. And so many more. "And now you're on opposite sides of war that's going to happen." Octavia flinched at the mention of war. Remembering all that was lost in the last one.

"Draco's just a boy." Narcissa looked back at her younger cousin. "I don't want him to make the same mistakes we did." Narcissa's voice was a whisper, like it pained her and her pride to ask.

"Does Lucius know you're here?" Octavia asked quietly, Narcissa shook her head. "I'll help him."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Octavia stood and walked to her room and came out with a box. "I was just a girl." She took out a picture of her and Narcissa when she was maybe 12, she was sitting in a chair in front of a giant mirror in the manor. Narcissa behind her brushing her hair and smiling. "But so we're you." She handed Narcissa the picture.

"Times are chainring Cissy. People change. You're not like Bella, you never took the mark. Never did his biding." Octavia's words were soft, as she watched Narcissa stare at the picture. "Lucius is cruel and yet you remain soft and caring, you could be so much more."


"I'll help Draco and Blaise and the little Parkinson girl and any other child I can. Because they're children. But to be better you need the option." Octavia smiled brightly. "Maybe you didn't have one before but you do now."

"Thank you." Narcissa said again.

"You're welcome." Narcissa went to hand the picture back to Octavia. "Keep it and remember." Narcissa smiled slightly and walked towards the door. "Until next time Cissy."

"Until next time Tavy."

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