Family Ties

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Octavia would like to think she's finally got it all figured out

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Octavia would like to think she's finally got it all figured out. Or at least the next couple months. But no life loves to hit bludgers at her. Full speed right into her nose. Sitting in her dining room she read though the contract Ireland sent for the next season when her floo went off and out stepped none other than her twin.

"Can I help you?" She asks not looking up as Cetus stormed his way to stand in front of her.

"Are you insane?" He yells before scoffing. "Why I am even asking of course you are. You've made the biggest bloody mistake of them all."

"Funny I don't recall becoming a death eater." She says sighing and looking up to a fuming Cetus. All red in the face. "Now you on the other hand you did."

"Really you think nows the time to be funny?"

"I don't think being a death eater is anything funny." She snaps. "Why are you here?"

"You cleared Sirius' name."


"You've made yourself the second biggest target after Harry Potter himself." He yells and Octavia just sits back in her seat. "Do you understand what that even means Octavia?"

"That you're here to kill me to prove yourself?"

"What no." He say shaking his head. "That was completely reckless and stupid and Malfoy wants your head."

"Tell him one he's my cousin, two not my type." Octavia says with a grin and Cetus groans.

"Please take be serious."

"Cetus, I know you haven't been around for a while but I'm Octavia, Sirius is our older brother." She says and cackles when Cetus groans again.

"Octavia please did you even stop to think about what you were doing?"

"You mean about getting justice for our brother who was locked away for 12 years?" She asks. "For the kid, and yes kid because he was our age barley out of school, who was in Azkaban? The same kid who at 16 risked his life to give us a proper childhood?"

That was something the twins rarely spoke of. How at 15 Sirius left 12 Grimmauld place with them to go live the Potters. Who then took care of them until Sirius was done with school.

"We didn't need that we had parents!"

"Parents who would've beat us if we stepped a toe out of line!" Octavia yelled back standing. "I'm sure you would've fit right in with them however. Bloody death eaters."

"Watch it."

"Or what you'll hex me?" Octavia scoffed. "You sit there on this high horse that Lucius put you on and you can't see that you're wrong. But look around you, the only people that agree with you belong in Azkaban."

"Funny considering the person on your side is the only one that's been in that place." Cetus says pointing a finger at her. "And you can sit here and pretend that you're holy but you forget you were the biggest bully in Hogwarts."

"I only bullied you and the fucking twats that thought they were better than everyone else." Octavia yelled. "Like Nott who terrorized first years half his size."

"Only the the mudblood ones." Cetus said and Octavia slapped him.

"You are nothing more than a bastard that would make Walaburga and Orion proud." She hissed as Cetus held his cheek. "You disgust me."

"Oh I disgust you but not the blood traitor you're snagging?"

"First of all I haven't slept with Bill in years." Octavia says making Cetus roll his eyes. "Second of all like I said last time rather a blood traitor than a death eater."

"Well well look at what we have here." Sirius said as he entered the flat. As he's been doing for the past two weeks since his name was cleared. "I see you got my good looks."

"Sirius." Cetus said jaw tight.

"Little brother." Sirius said eyebrow raised. "I see this is a meeting of the 3 remaining Blacks."

"Two actually considering she changed her name." Cetus said glaring at Octavia.

"Only for quidditch." Octavia said smirking. "And honestly can you blame me?"

"Oh but you have no problem waving the name around when you want something."

"It's called using what you have. The people that get it get it. And since you don't get it you're clearly not one of us." Sirius said. "That being said, I did not risk the wrath of Orion and Walaburga for you to turn out this way."

"I turned out perfectly actually." Cetus hissed. "The only one here apparently."

"No you didn't. And the fact that you think you did shows how far gone you are." Sirius says shaking his head sadly.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been in Azkaban I wouldn't be this way." Cetus said before disappearing out the front door.

"He was always one for the dramatics." Octavia mutters siting down. "And you're here why?"

"I just wanted to know when you plan on introducing me to Bill?" Sirius asked taking the seat across from her.

"Mmm how about never." Octavia says smiling. "The first task is tomorrow don't forget."

"How could I, we get to see Harry." Sirius says a childlike glee. "What is the first task anyway."

"Dragons." Octavia says grinning wildly. "Charlie's bringing them down from Romania, it's going to be wicked."

"I can't wait." Sirius says. "Don't think I forgot about Bill." He says pointing at Octavia who sighs before standing.

"Remus coming for dinner?" She asks going through the pile of take out menus she has. "I'm thinking sushi."

"He'll be here soon and stop trying to make me forget."

"I don't see any reason you need to meet him." Octavia says shrugging. "I'm an adult."

"Your family needs to approve of him."

"Andromeda did that when I was 15."

"Oh so he's been here long term?"

"No, we broke up when he left Hogwarts." She tells him. "He moved to Egypt."

"So he left you?"

"To be fair it's not like he had a choice. I still had two years of school." Octavia says. "I also broke up with him so."

"And Andy liked him?"

"Please she loved him. She was over the moon when we started dating." She says smiling. "Should've seen how mad she was when we broke up."

"I can imagine."

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