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"Charlie!" Octavia said as she jumped and down on his bed

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"Charlie!" Octavia said as she jumped and down on his bed. "Wake up wake up wake up."

"Octavia it's 7 in the morning, go back to bed." Charlie groaned, Octavia sighed and sat down and waited for about 5 seconds until Charlie jumped up. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?"

"Trying to wake you up." The two friends hugged for a while before they pulled away. "Go get ready I have news and I want to see a dragon." Charlie nodded and walked into what Octavia assumed was his bathroom, while she walked over to the kitchen area and started to cook breakfast for the two of them. When she was finished she set the two plates down and grabbed the coffee she made when she had first got there.

"A visit and breakfast oh how you spoil me." Charlie said as he walked out and sat across from her. "So what's the big news?"

"I got the whole clan tickets to the World Cup." Octavia told him.

"Really?" She nodded her head and continued to eat. "That's amazing, but I don't know if I can go."

"I already asked, Got you two whole weeks off."

"How in the name of Merlin?"

"I'm good like that, which also means I got you and a Weasley of your choice a ticket to tonight's  game as well."

"But Ireland's not playing today."

"Obviously, but I want to see who we're up against Bulgaria or Spain." Octavia grabbed all the plates and cups as they both finished eating and went to clean up. "Though I reckon it's Bulgaria."

"Yea Krum is an amazing Player."

"He's okay, but no, Spain's main chaser and their keeper got booted last week."

"What why?"

"They were sleeping together."

"But wasn't the Keeper married to the seeker?" Octavia nodded.

"Seeker who's also the captain." Charlie let out a low whistle. "Yup, but enough of that, I want to see the baby dragons you wrote me about. And then we have to go pick up a sibling of your choice."

"Right actually, let me write Bill now to warn him." Charlie looked up and wiggled his eyebrows. "Unless you don't want me to bring Bill. Or maybe you do want me to bring him, but you want to be the one to tell him."

"Write the letter before I take Ginny instead."

"But Ginny would also want to bring Bill." Octavia snatched the parchment having had enough of the teasing and wrote a short and sweet note.

be ready at 1 o'clock or don't and you won't get either of your tickets. -onyx

She tied the letter to the owl that was sitting in the living room and said Bill's name and it was off. "Now dragon time." Charlie nodded and led the way through the reserve to the area where he grabbed two buckets of bloody meat. "Where are the baby dragons right now?"

"There's only one in my area, actually it's quite surprising the elder dragons are letting him stay, considering they usually dislike young ones, especially the males." Charlie told her. "Do you remember that dragon I wrote you about, that we got from Hagrid a few years back, she's doing good now, little mean but rather well behaved with the females." They stopped a few meters away from two dragons.

"They're so beautiful." Octavia says walking closer, or at least trying to before Charlie grabbed her by the back of her shirt. "Charlie I want to pet the dragons."

"Do you not remember the Hogwarts motto?"

"I do actually, and it says not to tickle the sleeping dragon, it says nothing about petting an awake one." She responds and swats at his arm til he lets go. "Therefore I am going to pet the dragon and you Charles Thaddeous Weasley are not going to stop me."

"First of all not my middle name, second of all if you lose a hand before the World Cup, Lynch Stiles and half the goddamn world would murder me." When he looked back down at Octavia he saw that she was already gone and now staring down, Ruby, the most temperamental dragon in the reserve. And despite the fact that Ruby was growling lowly in her chest, Octavia continued to slowly approach the dragon with her hand stretched out in front of her. Charlie wanted to go and yank her away there was a good chance that Ruby would immediately attack if he moved so he sat still and watched. Octavia was both extremely proud of the fact that she was this close to the dragon and absolutely terrified that she would actually lose a hand.

When she stood almost directly under the dragon's nose she paused and waited and stared into the golden eyes of Ruby. Before she could get closer Ruby brought her head down to eye level with Octavia and brushed her snout against the girls hand. Octavia let out a breath she was holding and pet the dragon between her eyes and up her head.

Ruby then laid down completely at Octavias feet. And the only thing Charlie was thinking was how did she not die. Octavia continued to pet the dragon and turned to look at Charlie, a blinding smile on her face. Then she walked away from Ruby and grabbed a piece of bloody meat from on the buckets and brought it over to Ruby and hand fed it to her.

"I hate you so much." Charlie called over to her. "I can only get that close to Norberta and that's because I raised her."

"It's because I'm better looking than you."

"Or maybe the nickname dragon is true and she knows you're the same as her."

"Maybe." Octavia called back. She tested her luck and walked along the dragon's body, petting her and then ran her hands over the dragon's wing a few times. "Stop staring and do your job Charles." Charlie muttered something under his breath and went to feed the other two dragons that were there. "You're truly a magnificent creature aren't you darling.' She cooed at the dragon. She sat next to the dragon and just continued to pet her.

"Octavia let's go, it's already noon." The girl got up and dusted off her pants and gave the dragon one last pat.

"Good bye beautiful I'll see you again." She promised before she skipped back towards Charlie who shook his head with an amused grin.

"You are so beyond lucky that I love quidditch and therefore love you being on a national team or I would definitely make you come work here."

"Actually you are so lucky that I love dragons and your dragon stories because if not I would make you play Lynch for seeker. And I call the shower first!" Screaming the last bit as she runs into his house and grabs her bag.


"Okay time to go pick up Bill." Charlie singsongs as he walks out of his room all dressed up and presentable. "You know the love of your life."

"The love of my life is sleep, and after that darling it's chocolate and then quidditch."

"You're insufferable,"

"You love me Charles."

"Sadly, now lets go."  Octavia hesitates for a second before grabbing Charlies hand and he apperates us inside a messy flat. And standing a few feet away was Bill Weasley.

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