Kushida POV: Bus Scene Vol. 1

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I'm currently on my way to my new school, Advance Nurturing High School, it is said to be a school that guarantees 100% job employment if you graduate from it. Ever since I got inside the bus, there were already no seats so I had no choice but to stand inside. 

We were close to our destination such that we will reach my new school in just a few more minutes. Until suddenly, an old lady came in through the bus stop that is stationed before the school's main bus stop. An office worker decided to help the old lady to have a seat but unfortunately, she too was not sitting on a seat so she had no seat to offer to the old lady standing. She sets her sight to asking someone else to give up their seat to the elder lady and she found a blonde boy wearing the same uniform as me although for boys sitting on a priority seat. She probably thought that she could ask the boy to give up her seat as a priority seat being given to an older lady is common sense now. 

I was looking forward to how she would talk to the boy first so I decided to watch for now.

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

The office worker asked the blonde boy that is sitting on the priority seat.

"You there, can't you see the old woman having trouble?"

Her voice started getting louder so I decided to intervene but then the blonde boy, the officer worker was talking to, answered her a bit differently than what any of us expected here.

"That's a really crazy question, lady."

What? He answered like he really doesn't understand what the office worker was saying. I can't comprehend what he said and I doubt anyone else in the bus who heard this conversation does.

"Why should I give this seat to an old woman? There's absolutely no reason for me to give it up."

He added and recrossed his legs. Almost everyone here can't find an answer to what he just said and only the office worker was able to find words to answer his question.

"Isn't it natural to hand over the priority seat to the elderly?"

She answered his question with a question herself to which everyone agreed to be true.

"I don't understand. Priority seats are just priority seats, and there is no legal obligation for me to move. Whether or not I move should be decided by me, who is currently sitting in this seat. Will you give up your seat because I am a young man? Hahaha, that's a stupid way of thinking."

Wait, no way...now, many people in the bus finds his words convincing and true. It is true that he is stating facts, it is not an obligation to move from your seat, however, isn't that normal nowadays? I mean, when people see an elder lady having trouble, don't they voluntarily give their seats to them? How come his perspective about priority seats is so different. I mean even if it's just conscience and not goodwill, normally they would give it, more so if it's a priority seat.

"I am a healthy young man. Certainly, I don't feel that standing up would inconvenience me. However, it is obvious standing up will consume more physical strength than sitting down will. I don't want to do such a useless thing. Or maybe, are you telling me to be more lively and energetic?"

He added as if he's not feeling the rage coming from the office worker in front of him. The office worker looks like she'll shout at him anytime soon.

"What, what kind of attitude is that towards your superiors!?"

And she just did...

However, the blonde boy's answer to her rage is something rather unexpected and this caused the office worker to get more mad.

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