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I'm no stranger to one-night stands but this was beyond awkward.

I was awoken by the yelling of a guy storming into whoever's room I'm in. He backed out as soon as he entered once he realized that neither of us was clothed nor were we awake. I rolled over pulling the sheets with me and covering my face with them.

There was no doubt that my cheeks were flaming red.

The guy I'm with cursed, "Shit, you fell asleep. Get out! Get out! You can't be here. I have practice and you just can't be here."

I don't know whether to feel embarrassed or angered.

He's just kicking me out like a douche. I would've left once I was fully clothed so there's no reason for him to be acting this way.

Getting up I take the sheet with me to go find my clothes on the floor, "No reason to be a jerk. I have no interest in being here any longer."

"Well, I really don't care. I just need you to leave. Like now." He says annoyed.

Why does he have any right to be annoyed? After we slept together he could have just had me leave but we both passed out. It's not like I crawled into his bed like some creep.

Looking at the guy, who just so happens to be Hudson Flannagan I roll my eyes. I'll freak out about this later. "Have some common human decency and let me get my underwear on before you start harping on me."

In record time I'm dressed and have an uber five minutes away. No need to call Elena. It's too early for her to be awake.

The moment I exit Hudson's room he slams the door behind me and I'm rushing down the steps to the front door. No way am I staying here any longer than needed. I'll just meet my Uber on the corner of the street.

My heels are in my left hand while I attempt to pull my skirt down with the other hand. I couldn't find my underwear so commando it is.

I can't wait to just get home and shower.

Shower, eat more mint chocolate chip ice cream, and binge-watch either Harry Potter or Fast and Furious. I don't have any classes or have to work. If anyone interrupts my plans I will be wreaking havoc on them.

I bump into a guy but duck my head letting my hair serve as a curtain and rush past him straight towards the door.

I just want to go home.

After a shower, washing all the grime off, and getting comfy in a pair of shorts I decide to watch Outlander. Elena told me about it when we crossed paths in the bathroom so I'll give it a try.

I'm patiently waiting for her to start bombarding me with questions about the remainder of my night without her.

This is something I'll never ever live down. Not even in a million years.

When the first episode of Outlander comes to an end Elena sits down on the couch next to me. She's wearing a grin that tells me I'm going to have to face the music.

"Soooooooo, Hudson Flannagan? How was it?" Her voice is all shrilly like a High Schooler trying to get the big scoop of gossip.

Rolling my eyes I lean back and pound my head against one of our million throw pillows. "I mean the sex was good. But he's a jerk. Not just like, sending you on your way with a slap on the ass type. In a Leave and don't come back, I'm going to try and kick you out when you're fully naked and won't even offer to get you an Uber."

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