Chapter 4

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The ship shook abruptly as Ahsoka and Lux struggled to find balance.

"I think the ship lost it's stabilizers." Lux said grabbing Ahsoka as another wave of shakes erupted through the hull making them fall to the floor.

"Or we're being hit." Ahsoka said gripping the wall and floor.

"Impossible," he began helping Ahsoka to her feet, "We are in empty, unclaimed space the imperials couldn't hit us." They burst through the door into a long empty and curving hallway to the pit, stumbling to the ground or walls as the ship was being destroyed by something. The reached the pit as the door slid open Ahsoka reached the pits chair.

"Pirates, just as i suspected." Ahsoka said clinging onto the chair.

"They want  to dock and board." An said.

"And i said no." Kieth answered.

"This is your last warning Nova Suns, let us board or we'll shoot you down quicker than a pod race." a raspy voice came across the intercom.

"What weapons do hey have?" Ahsoka asked.

"EF76 Nebulon-B." Keith answered.

"Let them." Ahsoka said.

"What?" they said in unison.

"Just do it." She walked out listening to An as she allowed them to board. She opened the door to her and An's room grabbing her cloak from on top of her bed and putting it on over her head and letting it drape down her body pulling out her head tails from underneath it and leaving the hood down. She grabbed An's cloak and walked to meet them at the boarding ramp. As Ahsoka reached the dock she handed An the cloak.

"Are they coming?" She said standing to face the door that would soon be opening to the pirates.

"They're just grabbing their cloaks." Ahsoka nodded hearing their quick footsteps coming down. She opened a secret hatch in the wall. She took out four small blasters.

"Put your larger weapons in there and keep these on safety and close to your body." She handed each one a weapon and they did as they were told.

"Master Tano-" Keith began but was stopped by Ahsoka.

"Yes even your lightsaber Keith, we can't expose ourselves." She hushed him.

"Yes Master." he answered. Ahsoka holstered her blaster into a secret pocket in her pants. A hiss came from the door but it did not open. Sparks began to fly as they scorched the sercuits forcing the door to open. Withing minutes the door opened and Ahsoka Saw a familiar face.

"Hondo." She said through her teeth.

"Ah Ahsoka, nice to see you."

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