Chapter 19

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"Lux, is that you? I can't see anything, is that you?" Her voice shook with worry. Moments passed without him saying anything.

"Lux, please answer me." Shakily she got onto her knees and looked in his direction.

"What did they do to you?" Lux's voice sounded angered and full of hate.

"Don't hate them Lux, I can feel your anger. They do no know who I am." Her whisper was soft as she fixed herself to the floor, temporarily blinded. Eyes swollen shut but she could hear his breath softening.

"Ahsoka..." An whispered breathlessly. Ahsoka turned her head to the voice.

"I'm all right." Ahsoka's whisper was truthful, both of them knew that.

"I-is Keith..." She trailed off holding back worry for the man.

"He's fine, they're looking for you." Her whisper soothed An enough for her to lean against the wall and release a breath she was holding in.

"Why are they doing this to us?" Lux asked not looking away from Ahsoka.

"I don't know, but I bet it's something to do with me and not paying my debt before I left." An closed her eyes and remembered how this place looked years ago. Silence fell over the cell for hours until the door slammed open as three guards walked in with food rations and left leaving them to eat. As the three of them grew weary, sleep fell on top of each of them. Seven hours of sleep passed before each Ahsoka, Lux and An were jolted awake by three guards un chaining the wrist cuffs which still clung on tightly and roughly escorted them out of the cell and down a hallway before stopping in an open area where An remembers clearly as the 'Combat Room'.

"An'Koth Rhan, Ahsoka Tano, and Lux Bonteri," a loud voice reverberated from the walls and hit them hard, "your freedom is granted by an act of surrender. An, your debt is paid with this."

"What is it Renn!" She shouted trying to break free from the guard's grasp on her upper arm. She looked around seeing a cloaked figure guarded by more of his guards.

"A friend of yours apparently, Keith Jerous, offered his slavery to free all three of the prisoners and pay up your debt." Her breathing stopped as did Lux and Ahsoka's as the cloaked figure stepped up and took off his hood. A red mark was already across his face most likely Renn getting information out of him.

"No." An's voice was at a whisper, her struggling stopped and anger burned her eyes.

"No!" She yelled surprising the guard by nicking him to the ground and running for Keith. A shock ripped through her body and she fell to the ground stunned.

"An!" Ahsoka begun to struggle against the grip on her arm.

"Keith." An's voice was once again weak as he gently pulled her up into his arms, a feet apart from each other.

"It's either your life or mine, I'm saving yours and theirs." He nodded his head to Ahsoka and Lux.

"Please don't do this." Tears streamed from her eyes, no longer mad but tired and sad.

"I have to," he stopped to take a breath, "I love you." An lifted her hands to his chest and tightened her grip on the clothing then pulled him into a passionate kiss only to be separated by the guards.

"I'm not giving up on you Keith!" An yelled as the guard begun to drag her out behind lux and Ahsoka. Their wrists were unchained before they were thrown back into the streets at night.

"No!" An screamed hitting the door then she began to cry and stopped

"I couldn't save him." She finally turned back to Lux and Ahsoka, face flushed. They couldn't say anything, both were still stunned.

"I didn't even tell him I love him." A hand appears in front of An. She looked up to see Obi Wan.

"I tried to talk him out of it, he wouldn't have it. Kept saying he swore to protect you." Obi Wan pulled her up and she embraced him and he embraced her allowing his sympathy to show.

"Come now, you can stay at my home till you need to leave." Lux lifted Ahsoka from her feet as the walked to the speeder and all sat in silence as they traveled back to his home.

Ahsoka Trilogy Book One: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now