Chapter 11

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"Obi Wan." Ahsoka whispered through the force hoping he would hear her. Wind whipped Ahsoka's cloak around her thin body as they trudged careful not to step in the wet sand that was scattered around the ground.

"Lets head up to the top of that peak to get a better view." Ahsoka shivered next to Lux pointing out the nearest hill.

"Ahsoka watch out!" She turned just in time as he pushed into her body and they flew into a hard surface with a loud thump.

"What the hell was that?" Ahsoka quickly recovered igniting her lightsabers that surrounded them with a green and yellow glow. She frantically looked around.

"Up there!" Lux yelled again as another boulder tumbled down. Lux ducked into an alcove wild Ahsoka stood and watched as the shadow crashed down at her suddenly spinning her sabers slashing the rock in pieces. She knelt on the ground and felt the small burnt rubber hit against he arm covered head. Not another boulder came down and all was silent except for the hum of Ahsoka's lightsabers which turned off as she slowly rose up.

"Ahsoka!" Lux whispered.

"Lux in alright, it's clear you can come out now." She said still standing and looking atop the hill as lux slowly crawled out. She took one look at him and horror shook her body. The blue cloak that hung over his right arm was darker than the rest which he clung to. Blood. Though it was dark Ahsoka easily recognized its deep color.

"Your arm." She stared at it.

"There must have been something sharp on the rock." He sat down on the nearest boulder still clutching his arm. Ahsoka quickly pulled the survival pack from her back and dug through it until she found a small triangular tent.

"You don't need to." Lux said standing up.

"Lux sit back down this'll only take a minute, please just let me do this." She said tiredly setting up the tent and letting him sit down inside. She turned a small heat lantern on and sat it in the middle of them then quickly helped lux take the bag off of his shoulders.

"Take off your cloak, let me have a look at it." He quietly obeyed her and did so wincing every once in a while. Ahsoka took the med kit out and grabbed a gauze and a wrap to stop the bleeding.

"You brought another shirt with you right?" Ahsoka asked softly unzipping his thick thermal jacket revealing a short sleeve loose, elongated V-neck collared shirt with a tank top under and the blood shown through quite vividly.

"Yeah." He said pulling the other sleeve off wincing greatly. Ahsoka cleaned the cut quickly before wrapping his upper arm snugly. She took the extra shirt out off his bag and began to pull it over his head and helping him with his arms.

"We've got to get going if we want to reach the top of that hill." Ahsoka stood up packing he bags in.

"Ahsoka, we've been walking for hours, lets rest." He snatched her hand into his holding it gently.

"Lux, i need to see him. He knows more about Anakin than i do, and he could tell me more about what happened." Ahsoka sat down in front of him.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because i need to know." She said.

"It'll only break your heart more than it needs to be." His voice was low.

"If it's meant to be." Her voice to a whisper. Silence followed as they both looked down in exhaustion.

"Day is coming soon, lets go now." He said finally looking into her eyes, seeing the pain and hope that rested there.

Ahsoka Trilogy Book One: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now