A Friendly Reunion - Chapter 2

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The robed men tie both of you up and throw you behind some buildings. Looking down at you two. They gagged both of you, so all you can do is growl at them.

Nazuna: "Stand back. I sense a strong aura of evil coming from both of them. Do not approach until I tell you it's safe to do so."

You start violently shaking around, trying to fray whatever you're tied up with, but it's no use. You look like a maniac. The hooded figures leave, then Nazuna runs up to Michiru and unties her.

Nazuna: "Michiru! It really is you! I didn't know that you also turned into a beastman."

Michiru: "Nazuna-"

Y/N: "MMM-"

You grabbed Nazuna's attention and she untied you as well.

Y/N: "Jesus... What the hell was that all about?"

Nazuna: "I'm so sorry. This is kind of-"

Michiru gets up and wraps Nazuna in a hug.

Michiru: "I'm so happy I can't believe you're alive! You're safe I'm so glad..!"

Y/N: "You two know each other? You're not the silver wolf?"

Nazuna: "No... I'm not. Who are you?"

Michiru: "Oh that's Y/N! We just met today."

Nazuna: "Ah, so you're both Tanukis? What a coincidence."

Michiru: "No! I'm a raccoon! I transformed shortly after you did."

Someone calls out for "Desse Louvee."

Nazuna: "Oh- Cmon Michiru!"

Nazuna transforms into her beast form and starts running off.

Michiru: "Hey wait! What about Y/N?"

Y/N: "It's okay Michiru. Go hang out with your friend!"

Michiru smiles and says "thank you", then she runs after Nazuna. You step out from behind the buildings and rub your head.

Y/N: "Ugh... What a warm welcome.."

Hooded man: "Hey! Desse Louvee didn't say she was done with you!"

Three hooded men start chasing after you.

Y/N: "Shit!"

You start running the other way, luckily your Mustang is right there, so you jump in and start it up. Slamming the gas and peeling around the other way, leaving the hooded figures in a cloud of smoke.

You make your way out of the slums and back into the city. It's dark again, so once again there's not much too see. You really need to start looking at the time.

You start fiddling with the radio and it picks up a station. Some metal music mixed with Japanese cultural starts playing. There's nobody else on the road, so you take a deep breath, and put your foot to the floor.

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