Runaway Racoon - Chapter 1

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Queue obligatory montage music.

It's the final stretch. You've made it out of the final city and you're driving through the mountains, on the twisty roads, with Anima City in sight over the horizon. The GPS on your phone says only 5 minutes until you've arrived, but the city is across a giant river. Oh well, there must be a bridge to drive over.

You're not wasting any time, wide open throttle on any straight road you come across and passing any cars that happen to appear in front of you. It's a nice little canyon run, nobody here to stop you, or so you thought.

Y/N: "C'mon... It's right there... I can see it!"

You would talk to yourself. Giving yourself the motivation you need. Driving across the entirety of Japan was tiring, but you can't give up now. Your salvation is only a few miles away.

However, your little 5 minutes of freedom are over as an arrow shot from behind you lodges itself into your driver's side rear view mirror.

Y/N: "W-What the-?!"

You look in your rear view mirror and there's people chasing you. Two on a bike, with the passenger holding a crossbow, and others following close behind in a black van. They must be anti-beastmen.

Y/N: "Not now! Fuck off!"

You mash the gas pedal, the little 6-cylinder motor screams as the transmission shifts into its final third gear.

Now it's a chase. You're weaving through traffic and trying to get around the corners as fast as possible while the attackers are closing in. Tires screeching through every corner.

The roads decline and your speed increases as you race down the mountain. You go to brake for a corner, but something smells like it's burning and your brakes aren't responding. Those old drums must've worn themselves out!

Now you're mashing the throttle on every corner, breaking the tires loose and drifting around. With no brakes you can't slow down for any of the corners, desperately you keep the car away from the cliff side, not planning on driving off the edge. Your claws are digging into the steering wheel as you clutch it with all of your strength.

"The destination is on the right."

You instinctively throw the steering wheel to the right and your car spins out into a small rest area, you step out and wave away the smoke, and as it clears... There's no way to Anima city. There's no bridge and now the hunters are out of their vehicles and running towards you.

You quickly grab your keys and open the trunk, grabbing an old tire wrench.

Y/N: "Stay back!"

You clutch the wrench in your hands as you ready yourself for a swing, but another hunter kicks you down from your side.

Y/N: "AGH-! Fuck..."

Hunter 1: "What has this world come to..? Beastmen learning to drive? Not on our watch you sick creature!"

The hunters get ready to bash your head in, but then-

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