Wings - Chapter 20

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Everyone piles into Alan's office, including the backup Yuji called for just a few moments ago.

Michiru: "Give it up Sylvaesta! This ends now!"

Y/N: "Not so fast."

Y/N steps through the door behind Michiru and the others, blocking them in the office.

Rose: "How did you-?"

Alan: "You're in my territory. My land, my rules. And just as a warning... The general rules of war do not apply here."

Alan smiles just before transforming into his ginrou form, all three heads howling.

Alan: "You made a big mistake saving me, Oogami. What did you think I was gonna do? Just run off and leave you all alone? Nonsense! Now I'm immune to Nirvasyl syndrome and nothing can stop me! AHAHAHA!"

Alan jumps up through the ceiling, Shirou groans and he follows him up through the hole.

Michiru: "Shirou wait!"

Michiru uses her stretchy arms to climb up through the ceiling. Yuji looks over to (Y/N).

Yuji: "I never thought it would come to this."

Y/N: "Show me what you got old hound."

Michiru climbs up to the top of the building and sees Shirou and Alan battling it out, thrashing and firing beams out of their own mouths at each other. She watches, helpless to do anything, then she gets an idea.

Michiru transforms her arms into wings and flies up towards Alan, she gets enough speed and kicks him in the side of his middle head.

Alan: "You're foolish tricks don't work on me."

Alan turns towards Michiru and starts charging up a beam.

Shirou: "NO!"

Michiru could only gasp as Alan fires the beam and her wings are sheared off cleanly. She starts falling down from the top of the building.

Michiru screams for her life, flailing her arms hoping to grab for something, but she's falling too far from the building and too fast. She made a deadly mistake. She could hear it now.

"And he told her... do not fly too close to the sun. The blaze will surely melt those wings, but alas, she fell, her cries swallowed by the street."

Suddenly she feels a brute force grab her and she smashes through the window of another building with other beastmen inside, they're astounded with what they had watched. Michiru looks up as quick as she can to see what happened, but all she sees is a figure turn down a hall, running away, leaving a trail of broken glass.

Michiru stands up and brushes herself off, then she pursues the mysterious figure down the hall, just only catches glimpses of where they're going. She follows it all the way to the bottom floor and out the front door, but she loses them outside, not knowing which way they turned.

Michiru: "Who.. Who saved me..?"

Michiru looks up and sees Alan flying off across the city, out somewhere else. She groans and plops down on the sidewalk.

Shirou, Yuji, Rose, and Nazuna come running towards Michiru.

Nazuna: "Michiru you're alive!"

Nazuna tackles Michiru into a big hug.

Michiru: "Nazuna! It's okay, I'm okay!"

Shirou: "How did you survive the fall..?"

Nazuna sits up and gets off of Michiru, allowing her to stand.

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