Tension - Chapter 11

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The clock strikes 10 AM and you're still sound asleep in your own bed. You're having a strange dream, more so a flashback.

You're barreling down a small road in the country with a squadron of police cars in pursuit of you. You were just trying to get through the city behind you, but somebody must've called about you and now you're stuck in a high speed chase.

Police: "Pull over now! This is your final warning!"

The little inline-6 is screaming as you're trying to keep it over 100 mph to get away from the cops, but it's no use, their high speed patrol cars keep up and never leave your rear view mirror.

There's a railroad crossing up ahead, but as you approach it the guards start coming down and you look to your left, there's a bullet train coming towards the crossing and it's coming FAST. Your only hope of losing the cops right now is beating that train.

Y/N: "C'mon..! C'mon baby c'mon!!"

You grit your teeth and hold your breath as you blast through the crossing, the train is inches away from your rear end, but it clears you and blocks the police on the other side. You open your eyes again and let out a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, Shirou bursts into your room, waking you with a start.

Shirou: "I smell a gun in here."

Shirou starts marching up to you.

Y/N: "Shirou wait! I know there's a gun... It's under my bed... And I know what you're thinking-"

Shirou starts searching for the gun underneath your bed.

Shirou: "What am I thinking?"

Y/N: "You think I'm gonna use it to hurt someone, but that's not true! It's only for self defense!"

Shirou finds the gun and picks it up, opening up the chamber and emptying it, then putting the bullets and gun back under the bed.

Shirou: "If what you say is true, then you'll keep that thing unloaded when you come in this building."

You nod and Shirou promptly leaves the room. You breath a sigh of relief and start getting out of your bed, but then your phone starts ringing. It's Flip.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Flip: "Hey Tanuki, you never picked up your winnings last night. Do you want to come get them?"

Y/N: "Yeah sure, I'll be there shortly."

Flip: "Perfect. See you then."

You hang up the call and start putting on some clean clothes. You quickly run down the stairs and are about to leave, but Michiru stops you by wrapping you in a hug.

Michiru: "Hey, (Y/N)!"

Y/N: "Oh-! Hey, Michi!"

Michiru: "Do you wanna come with me to hang out with Jackie later?"

Y/N: "Depends on what time, I've got a job now."

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