The Chapter where Dream loses a fight

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I peak into the library, Wilbur and Neon sit there pressed up against each other reading from the same book. Wilbur looks up and I just nod to him. As I turn to leave Techno stands behind me.
"Hey..." I say.
"Philza." he says, tipping his head to me.
He walks right past me as if I'm not even there.
"Neon." He says.
She looks up from the book and says.
"There's people here to see you.....from Dream's crew."
What?! Why are they here to see her? She doesn't talk to anyone over there.....none of us do.
"Ok." she says. "Do they want to see me alone?" She asks.
"There was no specification."
"Will you wanna come?" she asks.
"Uh duh." He says putting the book down.
They both race out of the library catching sight of me.
"Hey Phil!" Neon says to me.
"Hi..." That's odd....she never really talks to me.
Eh maybe things are changing?
As we leave the Library Ranboo stops us.
"I heard and yes I am insisting on coming with you."
"Ok..." she says. "I'm fine with that."
When we make it to the meeting hall, I pause for a moment. We all look at each other before taking a deep breath and pushing open the doors. Dream stands there.....his mask making his appearance almost scarier....the smile taunting in a way. Next to him are Blue and Quackity.....Why are they all here?
I can't believe it.....she stands in between Ranboo and Wilbur......I've never seen her before...her appearance almost surprises me. Her jet black hair just hits her shoulders. She wears a mask hiding from the bridge of her nose down to her chin. A striking set of grey eyes sit behind her mask. Dull and barely there.....She wears black combat pants and a pair of work boots. A matching black top hugs her body, just showing her midriff. Her arms are bigger than mine.....and Quackitys now that I look she does work out.
"You need me for something?" she asks.
"Alone." Dream answers for me.
Damn it Dream let me speak!
She nods her head and turns to Wilbur and Ranboo.
"Well then if I am to be alone so is the person who wishes to speak with me."
"That's not fair, we're in your territory." Dream says.
"I think it is. Who's to say you aren't going to try and take me out while I'm alone......not that you could."
She says the last bit under her breath as she stares down at the floor.
"Well then if you claim that we can't, what's the worry?" Dream says, almost laughing at her.
She glances up at Ranboo and Wilbur and without hesitation this time says.
"Since you clearly can't do the logistics in your head I'll do them for you. I'm not interested in being drugged and kept as a hostage for whatever war is on the brink of existence. So here's an idea. If you can beat me in a fight, then I will speak with you alone. But if you cannot then whoever wishes to speak to me on your end will speak to me alone."
Great Dream. This is just great look what you've gotten yourself into.
Ranboo and Wilbur back off of Neon, I follow the same lead. Quackity however doesn't quite get the memo and stands in the same place.
"Jesus christ Quackity." I swear under my breath as I pull him backwards.
Dream and Neon stand in the center of the room. Dream ready for anything she could throw while she just stands and looks. She bows to him and he just tilts his head almost confused.
He throws a punch her way and she just moves slightly to the left, the punch missing her face by a couple inches. He throws another punch that would have normally knocked anyone but it doesn't phase her. She just slides the opposite way to the right and dodges it again. He tries to sweep her feet out from under her but she just jumps over them. With one final attempt he tries to punch her. This time she grabs his wrist twisting it, forcing him to his knees. She stares down at the image for a moment before turning him around still holding onto his wrist. He winces in pain and tries to fight his way out of it. When I look closer I realize that not only is she applying pressure at his elbow. But also his palm and thumb socket......I never thought of doing that before.....She kicks him to the floor. He slides across the floor holding his arm.
"So does this mean I win?" she asks.
Wilbur stifles a laugh from behind her. She glances to him and then back to us. Specifically at me.
"I believe that you and I should go somewhere private." She says to me.
"Ya.....that sounds right."

Why does she speak so properly? Either way she guides me down a hallway and into a new corridor.... One I've never seen before.

"Where are we going?" I ask her.
"Somewhere safe. No one from my crew, nor yours will be."
"Oh..." is all I say.
She rests her hand on a door knob, the door itself made of a darkened wood. She turns to me, her eyes almost sharpened to a point. As she twists the door knob she lets it swing open. A bedroom? In the corner of the room is a full sized bed, the sheets dark shades of grey and a striking black comforter. A desk rests in front of a window. Paper and books scattered across it.
"What is this place?" I ask her.
"My room." she says. "No one ever enters here, unless of course it's Ranboo."
"So you and Ranboo are close?"
"No closer than you and Alex."
So they are close....wait how does she know his name? I furrow my eyebrows as I stare at her.
"Don't bother trying to figure out how I know his name. I know a lot of things."

I nod my head and a silence grows between us before she asks.
"So what did you wish to speak with me about?"
"It's kinda stupid now that I think about it." I say, rubbing the back of my head with my hand.
She sits down in a seat by the window, the sun hitting her face...or at least part of her face.
"Well what was it?" She asks.
"How did you get everyone here to respect you and not treat you a-"
"Girl?" She says, finishing my sentence.
"Ya......Everyone treats me like I'm a baby, but then want me to act like the oldest one there. They suffocate me with all of there stupid little fears and I can't take it anymore. I don't want to live in that kind of world."
She glances over at me and then back to the window.
"No woman should ever have to suffer at the hands of a man." She says. "The answer you seek from me isn't as feasible as you think. People here see me differently because I force that perspective on them. I force them to see me as a person. Not a gender. I think it's time that you start doing the same."
She pauses before saying.

"Now not every man is like this. In fact most have the right intention, but they go about it the wrong way. Luckily for the two of us we know a few men who have the right intention and can go about it the right way."

"Who?" I laugh.
"Well for one Quackity."
"Ok ya you're probably right about that one."
"On my end I have Ranboo and Wilbur. But then you also have Dream."
"Dream?! Oh that's funny." I say.
"You wear oblivion well. But it's not something you should be known for."
"You forget that people can get caught up in their own head."
I look over at her desk, drawings of a dragon lie face up. The books are written in another language....The lettering just looks like pictures to me....
"Ender." She says. "The language itself has died off over the years but I like to keep it alive."
"oh....What about this?" I ask pointing to the drawings of dragons.
"The ender Dragon of course." I friends with Neon now?
"Are we friends now?" I ask her.
"I think it's safe to assume so."
"Why did you choose Technoblade?" I ask.
"Why did you choose Dream?" She says right back.
"My brother....Dream and him are best friends."
"My smarts."
"Huh?" I say, almost taken back by what she says.
"Technoblade is the best at PVP. If I have a chance to spar with him at least once a week I'm going to take it. Besides, Ranboo is virtually the richest person here, Philza is the safest, Tubbo and Tommy keep it unpredictable, and Wilbur keeps them in check. It's a good balance. One I won't disrupt, nor offset. In fact I would blend in and make it stronger. That is why I chose Techno." all I'm left to think. She's right. What does our group have? We've got George who picks flowers and often accidentally gets hurt, Quackity who doesn't stop swearing and cracking jokes, Sapnap and Karl who quite often flirt with each other, Dream who does all the building......and then me. What do I even do? I train ever once in a while but often just read.

"How do you do it?" I ask her. "Do what?" "Keep up with yourself everyday? Train, read, manage to learn an underground language, draw, and still be so intimidating and mysterious." She turns to me a serious look in her eye as she says. "Things happen." Is all she simply says before continuing. "It's not something that builds over night. One day you gain the skill to defend yourself, the next people start to fear you, The next thing you know you're studying a hidden language and trying to give yourself a better purpose." 

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