Wilbur Follows a Cannon path

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One day....one day all of this will be mine.....one day they will all realize what Dream is doing. His act of defiance and denial make this place worse. He's trying to get to me. I told him never to come here.....so what does he do? He brings friends. Not only that but he has them speak with my best fighter. The only one here that has a shot at beating me. I glance over at the chest. Locked. Like always. I can't let him corrupt anymore people. I can't and I won't.
So I need to do something. I need to do something to prove that he is in fact a bad person......Did he corrupt Neon? No....surely he didn't. Surely she didn't let him get to her...but just in case....just in case he did I need a plan. I look to the wall of everyone who inhabits my castle......Wilbur....Tommy.....Tubbo....Ranboo.....Philza..... Then there's Neon. Who is she closest with? Who can I trust......
"It's getting kinda late. I'm gonna head to bed ok? You should do the same." Wilbur says.
"Ya ya I know."
I stand up from my desk and wrap my arms around him. His tall stature wraps around me as he hugs me....Wilbur.....I feel safe with him. He squeezes me one last time before letting go, the smell of his cologne lingering in the air between us.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning." He says as he smiles, closing my door.
"See ya then." I say.





The castle shakes as an explosion wakes me up. I put my mask on and jump from my bed grabbing my bow and quiver. As I sling the quiver around my shoulder I run down the hall....that's when I see it.....Will's room in flames. Without thinking I jump through the flames, searching for him.
"WILL!" I scream.
My hands are shaking around the bow.
He coughs....I catch sight of him. His clothes ripped as parts of skin bubble from the flames.
"Will hey! It's me....are you ok? I'm gonna get you out of here ok?" I say, trying to pick him up.
He's too heavy.
"You can't get me out." he says, his voice barely there.
"What are you talking about? Of course I can."
What? Why did he.....how does he know my name?
"How do you-" I start before he cuts me off.
"I don't have time to tell you.....You gotta let me go...." He says.
"W-What?" I stutter. "No I can't.....I can't do that Wilbur."
"Please.....I can't.....I can't let go of myself if I know you're not gonna let me leave."
"Well then don't leave!" I yell at him.
"I have to....I can feel my body trying to stop working....Please- don't make this harder then I want it to be."
I nod my head and stand up trying to be strong.
"Ok Will.....I love you." I tell him. "And I know this doesn't sound like much, but you are the closest thing I'm ever gonna have to family."
"No I'm not....you and Ranboo are gonna be great together....I can already see it."
I shake my head and say.
"Just do me a favor? If it's possible....promise me you'll watch over me? I don't wanna be alone." I say choking back tears.
"Of course I will......I love you too Gabby.....Just grab my jacket....it's on my bed....then get out."
I grab his jacket and force myself to leave. The second I do the room explodes around me. I feel myself get knocked to the ground. My head spinning as I slowly forget everything that's happening. That's when I see him standing over me, his face maskless. Concern driving his expression....Ranboo.....
"Neon!" He says. "Hey! Come on you gotta get up."
He pulls me to my feet, I feel myself start to fall at first before he catches me, just pulling me close to his chest. I feel my eyes start to sting as tears try to escape. No. I won't cry.
His jacket smells like him......I hug it closer around me. I push my hand into his pocket....my hands fumble on a piece of paper. I pull the paper from where it sits and open it up....a letter?
Gabby....It hasn't been long since I've known your name. In fact it's only been about 10 minutes. When I say your name I mean your full first name. Gabriella. For the past 10 minutes I couldn't figure out why you decided to change your name. I kept mine. Tommy kept his. Tubbo basically kept his, just like Phil. But then there was you and Ranboo. Both of you with unique names. I've been doing research on the name Neon. It symbolizes something formerly glorious, formerly shining and bright, that has now fallen into ruin without completely losing its power. But you knew that. You aren't in ruins though. You are you. Through and through and that's all we can ever hope for. You gotta take the good with the bad and occasionally find the good in the bad. Just like this. I know what's happening. Or rather what's already happened. I'm gone. Kinda weird talking about myself in the past tense. At 2:32AM A bomb will go off from the second drawer in my nightstand. Don't let anyone find this letter. Flip it over when you need words of encouragement. I wrote a little bit there too. But don't flip it over yet....You don't need words of encouragement from me yet. Trust me, that'll just make you feel worse.

When you lose someone like Wilbur you don't realize it at first.....shock is what they call it. But then it happens. That moment where you realize you're never getting them back. Then your breath starts to slow, and everytime you breathe you take a deeper breath then you mean to solely based on the fact that it feels like you're drowning. It feels like your drowning and every breath you take you take a moment to realize that you are breathing. But they aren't. The person that you thought could keep you stable is gone. So then your breath starts to slow....and you try to hold it as long as you can. Because maybe. Just maybe the person you lost is just holding their breath for a really long time. But everything already stopped. My heart. My lungs......my brain. I hear a knock on my door. I rip the jacket off of my jacket shoving the letter back into the pocket. I throw it off my bed and into the closet. As I stand up to answer the door I shut the closer door.
How do I tell her? I can't do this...I think to myself, my stomach flips as I knock on the door. How do I tell her Wilbur didn't make it? She answers the door. Her eyes holding bags under them as if she didn't sleep.
"Hey..." I say as I walk through the door, closing it behind me.
"I hate having to say this...but....Will. He didn't make it. Techno is gonna build a memorial and everything and have a service."
"Ok." Is all she says. Her tone dull as if nothing happened.
"I said ok."
"That's it?" I say, almost angry with her. "Wilbur, your best friend just died and all you're gonna say is Ok?! How is that all you have to say?! HOW!" I say. My voice reaching a yell.
She shakes her head as she says.
"Shut up Ranboo."
"No, ya know what I'm not going to. You never show emotions. Never! You're either happy, or numb-"
"This is numb?!" She yells. "I am barely holding it together! I can't breath right now Ranboo, I am fucking suffocating myself with guilt and regret! I have never. NEVER FELT THE WAY I DID WITH WILBUR, WITH ANOTHER PERSON. I am struggling to keep it together Ranboo. And at this point I don't think I'm gonna last much longer. You-...." She says before cutting herself off. 
She looks off to the window shaking her head as she does so. 
"You're the one person here that I love as much as I did Wilbur, if not more. So please. Please stop."

I'm speechless.  Not only do I have no idea what to say.....but I made something bad turn worse. 
"Wilburs gone." She says. "I have to live with that. Right now I have 3 goals. One I will find out who killed him and I will destroy their life. Two. I will finish what I originally set out to do. And 3...." 

I feel like a horrible person......I forgot people like Neon can hide their emotions like that. My heart sinks as she stands there.

"Because I trust you.....and I know you would never try to hurt me....I need to show you."
I nod my head, still not knowing what to say.

Then she does it....

She pulls down the mask.....

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