Past? What's that?

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Tommy POV:

I froze at the nickname, deciding whether I liked it or not. The Piglin hybrid stopped with me, giving me a moment to adjust. I nodded and kept walking, still nervous about this new place.

"This is your room," He said, gently opening the door. I gasped, my ears perking up at the sight before me. A big, open room with deep blue walls sat before me, and a real bed with blue sheets was sitting in the corner.

"R-really?" I asked excitedly, looking around. "It's so big! Thank you!" I hugged him, making him flinch in surprise. Shit! I realized my mistake and immediately pulled away, apologizing.

"Hey, it's ok, I was just surprised." He said calmly, his monotone voice dropping into a softer tone. "Why don't you unpack while I go talk to Phil," He suggested. I nodded and put my backpack on the bed, unzipping it. "Oh, and kid?" I turned nervously, subtly fixing my posture. "If you have any other features, don't be afraid to show them here, ok?" I nodded again, understanding what he meant. I just hope they aren't like family 7 . . .

Techno POV:

No. I refuse to believe that.

"Tech?" Wil asks gently as I walk back into the front hall.

"How old is he?" I asked instantly, surprising my family.

"Fifteen, why?" Phil asked curiously.

"Shit." I swore, realizing what that meant.

"Tech what's wrong?" I could see that they were concerned, but I wasn't sure how to respond.

"Phil, you know the testing facility you found me at?" I asked cautiously. He nodded, how could he forget. He and a few others raided a hybrid testing facility when I was 17, freeing me and other hybrids imprisoned there. One thing leads to another and well, here I am.

"I have a feeling we should sit down," Wil said quietly, walking to the couch. I nodded, following. They both knew I rarely discussed my past, so this was serious.

"Well, a testing facility is actually lucky." I said with a grimace, receiving a gasp from both of them.

"But that place was a living hell you said!" I shook my head, hoping to the god I didn't believe in that this worse option wasn't true.

"A boy there, a kid who was a squid hybrid, told me about his life before the facility," I explained, memories of the annoying kid flooding back. We even had a whole 'war' about who could steal the most potatoes from the kitchen. "He said that he had spent a week with some people who kept hybrid locked up below the ground, no sun. Only a bit of water once a week and food when you were about to die." Phil's expression changed from worried to pure rage in seconds.

"Has this place been raided yet?" He asked, his voice barely a growl. He said place as though he was talking about the scum of the earth, and maybe he was.

"I don't know, but when I showed the kid his room he said it was big," I explained. Wil's face paled, he looked ready to murder someone. Phil looked ready to commit mass homicide. As was I. Something about the kid made me want to protect him, but I don't know why.

"We need to figure this out. But how? We can't just ask him, that could bring up some unwanted memories!" Wil asked, pondering.

"Memories, that's it!" Phil said excitedly. "The website for the orphanage bragged about a bag that contains one thing from every family or place they visit, a Memory Bag!" I saw where this was going immediately.

"So if there is one less item than there should be, we know he was in a bad place!" Wil exclaimed, understanding instantly. Phil suddenly elbowed him as footsteps could be heard from the hallway.

"Hello?" A small voice asked, sounding terrified.

"In here!" Phil said calmly. I raised an eyebrow as Tommy entered the room, his ears flat. Only now he had a bushy, gray and black striped tail behind him. His tail was down, nervously wrapped around his leg.

"I just w-wanted to know what I need t-to do now?" He asked nervously. I glanced at Phil and Wilbur before making a split-second decision.

"Why don't we show you around?" I suggested, shooting my family a look of 'play along or die'.

"Right! Wil, go show Tommy your room while I make dinner, Techno will join you in a second." Phil agreed, nodding to the boy. He glanced toward me and I nodded, letting him know it was safe. He followed Wilbur down the hall and I turned to Phil.

"Long sleeves, hiding his feature, flinching a lot," I noted. He nodded and sighed, heading toward the kitchen. "He doesn't have a great past."

"I know. All we can do is just let him know he's safe now." I nod and head toward Wil's room making a silent vow to protect the raccoon hybrid.

Tommy POV:

"This is your room?" I asked surprised. It was big and full of posters, music sheets, and had a big desk with a computer on top.

"Yep," He said, flopping on the bed. "Also, don't touch my guitar, it takes forever to tune." I nod and stand up a bit straighter, thinking everything over.

"Hey." I jump and whip around as Techno enters the room, relaxing at the sight of the older.

"H-hi!" I say, trying to sound cheerful. He raises an eyebrow and I instantly look down, waiting for an insult. It never came.

"So, you bored of this nerd's music obsession yet?" He asked, gesturing to the sheet music scattered around the floor.

"I like music," I say quietly, receiving a smile from Wilbur.

"See, he's smart!" The brunette said, sticking his tongue out at his brother.

"Whatever nerd, my room is next." He said, ducking a pillow thrown at him by his brother. He swiftly walked out the door, leaving us two to catch up.

Maybe . . . maybe this place wasn't so bad after all.

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