Trust or No?

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Technoblade POV:

One week, one week of slowly getting Tommy to trust us. He took an attachment to me and seemed interested in the goat hybrid that lives next door.

"Techno!" Will calls in a soft voice. "Me and Tommy are going to the park with his new friend!"

"Ok!" I called, already heading to Tommy's doorway. Phil was waiting there already and we stood quietly until I heard the door slam shut. The lock clicked twice, the code we agreed on to say we were clear to look for the bag.

"I'll check under the bed." Phil said, bending down. I nodded and went to glance through the drawers before stopping.

"This is pointless." I said bluntly after five minutes of searching. "He's a raccoon, we have to look in creative places." I look around the room, scanning for something out of place as Phil checked his pillowcase. I almost missed the slightly bigger space behind the dresser, but something shiny caught my eye. I reached behind it and pulled out a notebook. "Phil?"

"Should we?" He asked quietly. "One part of me says it's not considerate but the other part is concerned for him." I agreed, he had been tired since he got here, despite sleeping often. Something was up.

'I've been here for a week, and I can't hold it in much longer. I want to regress so badly but I don't want to be hurt. Every time I think about it, all I can think of are all the reasons I'd be called a freak. I've almost slipped at the sight of my chew stick, and I had to put it in my least favorite drawer. I hope I can hold off til I'm alone.'

Philza POV:

I stare at the page in confusion. Age regression? Maybe.

"Phil. We need to find that bag. NOW." I didn't understand but nodded anyway, I trust my son. I looked around the room trying to think of where a raccoon would hide something of value. I instantly went toward the wardrobe.


"Yep!" I smiled as I pulled a small brown bag out of a coat pocket, holding it up triumphantly. Techno snatched it and instantly began looking through it before stopping dead. He pulled one item out, a look of pain on his face as he held it up for me to see.

A dog collar.

Technoblade POV:

After explaining what Pet Regression was to Phil, we agreed to let him slip with one of us. He reasoned it should be me because he seemed to like me, but I think it should be Wil.

"What about this, you let him slip and then Will comes to help?" I sighed and nodded, putting both items back where we had found them. All that was left was to wait.

*Timeskip brought to you by pure boredom, the reason I'm writing this at 9:30 instead of crying over sad MLB episodes*

"We're home!" I nodded to Wil and went to his room to wait for him. He knew what I was doing and excused himself to come talk. As Tommy told Phil about his time at the park with the ram hybrid boy, Will shut his door and sat down on the floor.

"We found it, and a journal," I said softly. He looked up but as soon as he saw my expression his dropped his gaze again. Blank stares paired with a sad voice have that effect on people. "He uses Pet Regression and is forcing himself not to regress."

"Pet Regression? Like Age Regression?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah, but instead of being mentally younger, you become more pet-like, wanting cuddles and shit." He gave me a look and I sighed, he knew there was more. "I don't think it's voluntary. I found a collar in his bag." He gasped, realizing what that meant.

"He was forced to be a pet?!"

Wilbur POV:

I thought about this for a second, and how insanely fucked up it sounds. "So he needs to slip?" I said quieter. Techno nodded, explaining how he would convince him and I would help. I agreed, Techno was the one he trusted the most and I knew my way around kids and pets.

"He's in his room," Phil said quietly, opening the door a crack. I nod and Techno stands up, heading to the other room. I take a deep breath, hoping to the God that doesn't exist (or care) that this goes well.

Techno POV: (Mr Popular)

I knock quietly on Tommy's door, receiving a small 'come in'. I open the door and slip in, closing it gently behind me.

"Hey Bubba. I have a question for you," I started slowly, sitting next to him on the bed. "Do you use Pet Regression?" I immediately regretted my bluntness as he started to panic, pulling him into a hug and cursing myself mentally at the same time. "It's ok Bubba, I'm not mad. You shouldn't force yourself to stay this way though, it's not healthy."

"S-safe?" He asked quietly, his ears already up.

"Yes Bubba, you're safe," I said softly. He nodded and relaxed his entire body, instantly curling up in my lap. I stroked his ears softly, wondering what to do now. "Will I'm stuck," I complained as he poked his head in the doorway.

"Good!" He joked, entering quietly. Tommy's head shot up and he started growling, making Wilbur freeze.

"Hey, it's just Will little one. You're safe!" He relaxed, curling up tighter and making room for Wil. He sat down carefully and Tommy wrapped his tail around Wilbur's torso.

"Well now I'm stuck too." He remarked with a laugh. "Dadza!" Tommy flinched at the sudden noise, but I continued stroking his ears to keep him calm.

"Smol . . . Raccoon," Tommy said sleepily as Dad came into the room.

"Hey baby boy, how are you feeling?" He asked softly, kneeling to Tommy's height.

"Comfy, warm," he said quietly, twitching his ears. "Tired."

"Want something to chew on?" Tommy nodded and Phil went over to his drawer, pulling out a rubber stick. It was made to look like a branch or something and most likely a dog toy, but it looked clean as if someone had recently washed it. It had marks on it from past times when he was in his Pet Space, and he perked up at the sight of it.

"Good raccoon boy," Will said with a laugh as he snatched the toy from Phil. He started chewing on it, his sharp raccoon teeth puncturing the soft rubber

"What do we say?" I said, half-joking. He looked up at Phil, real happiness in his eyes as he surprised us all before returning to chewing on his toy.

"Thanks Dad!"

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