Chapter 11

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"Calm down Mer, it's okay. You're okay." Derek said calmly as he held her hand.

"Meredith, you know the drill. Cough on three, okay? You may feel some burning in your chest or discomfort, but we'll give you water." Bailey instructed.

Meredith nodded weakly, her eyes glazed with tears. "Go." Bailey said. Meredith let out a hacking cough and the tube came on out.

Meredith coughed for a while and Derek rubbed her back soothingly. "Easy, easy. You're okay." He soothed.

"Water." Meredith croaked. She was in pain. It wasn't excruciating, but she hurt. Bailey poured a cup of water and handed it to Derek, who held it up to her mouth.

Meredith graciously took the water and sipped. "Slow down, Grey." Bailey warned. Meredith pulled away from the straw and took a deep breath.

"Hi." Derek said with a small smile. "Hi." Meredith whispered. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Like I've been intubated for a few days." Meredith smirked.

"That's my girl." Derek said relieved.

"Meredith, we're going to take your for another scan to make sure your lungs are healed." Bailey interrupted. Meredith nodded. "And we're going to do that now, Shepherd."

"I'm coming with you." Derek said sternly. "Derek-"

"I'm coming with you." He repeated. Bailey nodded. "Okay." She sighed. They got Merediths bed out of her room and began to the CT room.

"Meredith, thank god your awake!" Cristina and izzie exclaimed as they ran up to her. "I'm awake." Meredith said quietly.

"Thank you. You saved our lives. I thought I'd never be able to tell you." Izzie said tearfully as she latched on to Merediths hand. "Im fine, Iz. I'm okay." Meredith said.

"Hey, we got to her some scans and then you can keep talking." Bailey said. The two girls nodded and Bailey rolled Meredith into the ct room and with the help of Derek and some orderlies, transferred Meredith into the CT machine.

Derek, Cristina, izzie, and Bailey all went into the scan room. Derek paced around in the small room anxiously. "Derek. Stop pacing." Bailey snapped.

"Sorry, I just...." he trailed off.

"I know. She's feeling a lot better and she's stable. You can relax a little." Bailey said in an uncharacteristically soft tone. Derek nodded and inhaled shakily.

" are you guys doing?" Derek asked, turning his attention to cristina and izzie. "We're both fine." Cristina replied. "How's the leg?" He asked.

"Oh, it's fine. Just a few more weeks with the brace." Izzie replied with a smile. "Good. That's good." Derek said.

"Scans are up."

The group of surgeons huddled around the screen. "Lungs are clear. No signs of opacities or any fluid." Bailey said in a relieved tone. "Thank you." Derek sighed, hugging Bailey quickly.

"Let's get her back to her room so we can let her go home in a few days." Bailey said with a smile.


Meredith was back in her room, anxiously waiting for someone to tell her the results.

Bailey walked on in with a big smile. "You're okay. You're lungs are all clear. I want to monitor you for another day, but then you're good to go home, Grey."

"Realy? I'm okay?" Meredith asked with a chuckle. "You're okay." Bailey confirmed. Meredith looked at Derek and put her arms up, which he took as a sign to wrap her arms around her.

Meredith linked her hands around his neck and pulled him close. "God, I love you so much." Derek whispered. Bailey excused herself from the room with a smile.

"I love you too." She replied. "I thought....I thought I'd lost you." Derek admitted. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Marry me." Derek said suddenly, pulling away slightly to face her. "What?" Meredith asked, shocked.

Derek swallowed thickly. "Mer, we've been through more together than couples who have been married for 20 years. And we survived. We had some bumps in the road, but we made it. I don't want to go through anything with anyone else other than you. From the moment I saw you In that bar, I knew you were the one. You're the love of my life. Will you marry me?" Derek asked.

Tears shone in Merediths eyes and she nodded softly. "Yes. Yes, I'll marry you." She whispered. Dereks lips turned into a large grin and he kissed her deeply. "You're stuck with me forever." Meredith smiled against his lips. "Thank god."

"Congratulations." A voice from the door wag said. The two pulled away and saw Carolyn Shepherd standing there. Meredith blushed. "I'm very happy for the both of you." Carolyn said, giving a motherly kiss to both Derek and Merediths forehead.

"Thanks." The two replied. "I heard you're ready to leave, huh?" Carolyn smiled. "2 more days." Meredith answered. "That's great, dear."

"Thank you for coming Mrs. Shepherd." Meredith blurted. "Enough of the formalities. It's Carolyn, dear. Or mom, if you'd like."

"" Meredith said. Derek smiled at his two favorite ladies and Merediths reaction. "Anyways, I have a flight in a few hours. I should get going." Carolyn said.

"Do you need a ride to the airport?" Derek asked. "No, thank you. Mark is bringing me."

"Okay. Thank you for everything mom." Derek said genuinely. "Of course. If you guys need anything, please call me. I love you both." Carolyn replied with a kind smile. "Love you too, mom." The couple both answered. Carolyn walked out the door, leaving the newly engaged alone.

"We're actually getting married." Meredith whispered. "We are. I love you." Derek said. "I love you too."

Hey guys! So, next chapter is the last one :( I'm losing Interest in this book to be honest and I want to focus more on my others. I hope you guys all enjoyed and I hope your all doing well.

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