the night we met

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it's cold here, too cold. "what happens now?" you thought "where do i go?" you wonder about her, your auntie rose weil a famous designer. she is your only family left, you need her, you really do now y/n. find her with the strength you have left. days pass by like trains speeding past, you give up hope. New york city, big lights, posters everywhere, cars, people, lots of people. your chest tightens with fear "people, to many people" your eyes catch something, you focus on the figure, you walk closer. Curiosity flows through your mind, a voice speaks to the figure "rose listen!" you walk over and place a small black burner phone in her purse and walk away accidentally hitting roses shoulder "sorry!"  you shout without looking back.

you head to the nearest public library and insert a flash drive into the side of a computer, a red blinker pops up on the screen. "bingo" everyone looks at you and you put your head in your hands and laugh at your self. the red blinker stays in a location for several hours so you head over there and hope to find rose, the person you dreamed of, your family.

you check the coordinators, you take a deep breathe and knock on the door twice. you step down and look at the floor, a tall blonde haired blueish greenish eyed woman answered the door and you locked eye contact and smile "urm is rose in?" you asked breaking contact, "and you may be?" she proceeded to ask you "oh yeah silly me, i'm y/n weil. Elijah weils daughter" she looked and you and tilted her head, the she shouts "rose, someone is here for you" "send them up" rose replied in a shaky voice "i'm lou by the way" she says to you as you walk down a long hallway. you don't reply, you too busy thinking. overthinking.

you finally get to the end of the hallway, "rose?" you stand in disbelief as rose looks straight back at you. "y/n?" she questions you, "y/n, is that really you?" you nod at her and give a smile of reassurance, "what, what brings you here? where's Elijah?" you stare at the ground, "nobody has told you, have they?" you reply to her, "he, my dad died" your eyes drop to your hands. roses breathing begins to break and you walk over to her, wrapping your arms around her, tucking her hair behind her ears. "rose, i get its upsetting for you because no one told you. but i really need you right now, since he died my mum disappeared leaving me alone, "y/n, how old are you now?" debbie says as she walks into the room, you look her up and down "19, and you might be?" she giggles at you "hi i'm debbie ocean, your dad , elijah, and i knew each other. we used to work together in fact, but then i got threw in jail and he went on the run, a mafia caught him, they killed him didn't they?" you nod as you look down, fiddling with your fingers, " let me show you to the spare room" lou said as she grabbed you a glass of water she lead you down a hall with big windows and you asked her " can we watch a film?" she turns to look at you, "where?" you turn to look around you "how about in your room, i presume you have a tv" she just nods at you and says nothing else. "how about we watch, harry potter it's a classic" she asks you as she sat on the end of her bed "yeah sure!" you respond. it's been a few hours and you just finished the 3rd harry potter film, you look down at your phone it's 10:47pm you turn and face lou who is deeply interested about harry swimming under water with his gills. "lou?" she looks at you "can i borrow a t-shirt or something i didn't bring anything because i have nothing left" she gets up and pulls out her third drawer, she throws a dark grey baggy t shift at you, "turn around then, these jeans won't take them self off" she laughs at you, "i'm going to the bathroom i will knock on my way back" you take your jeans off , then your shirt you have been wearing all day. you throw the top on so all that is underneath is your bra and your underwear, you look in the mirror on the back of lous door, the t-shirt came down to just over your knees, you pull your hair into a hair pony tail and sit back down. lou knocks, you giggle and roll your eyes as you open the door. you end up falling asleep in lous room, on her chest because you got cold and she offered to hold you.

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