Volume 2 Chapter 4: Deal Or No Deal?

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Previously: Shoto, Natsuo, and Dabi are fighting against them. AFO & Mute showed up and back them up.

Shoto: "Thanks for the help, you two!"

Natsuo: "Where's Jesse?"

AFO: "No problem."

Mute: "She's fighting against All Might and the rest of his back up."

Dabi: "She's what?"

Shoto: "What's wrong?"

Dabi: "She's in trouble, go save her before it's too late!"

AFO: "Huh? Why do you care?"

Dabi: "I never said I didn't care. Hurry before it's too late!"

Denki: "We'll go save her."

Katsuki: "Tch, I'm going only to fight All Might."

Mark Ashido: "I want to try out a new technique is all."

Back to Jesse & Eraserhead: She was pushed up against the concrete wall by Aizawa's strong hands. He glared at her and said,"Make it quick, before I change my mind." She grinned widely,"Alright."

Jesse: "I don't care for the Villians, I came here to help you only."

Aizawa: "But why me?"

Jesse: "It's more complicated than you think, I'm trying to understand something."

Aizawa: "Understand something?"

Jesse: "I want to know what makes a pro hero, what makes you want to help others without any hesitation."

Aizawa: "So why me? Why not the others?"

Jesse: "Your special to me. And you say it straight."

Aizawa: "I'm special?"

Jesse sensed something coming towards Aizawa so she pushed him out of the way and took a small glacier to the stomach. She puked out blood and vomit to the ground. She fell to the ground when the ice melted. Shoto screamed out her name,"Are you alright!? Jesse!?" She looked up to see Aizawa was about to be killed. She pushed herself up and shielded him from being electrocuted, frozen, and exploded. He made eye contact with her, she kept smiling as she took the pain in his place. "Why?" Is all he could say out loud. She smiled happily at him,"I care about you, is all. Go along with whatever I say, I'll keep you alive. I promise." He nodded his head and she pulled him up to his feet. "Hey guys, hold your fire, he's my inside man. You ruined my evil plan to gain their trust." They all looked at her shocked but impressed. "Sorry about that, Dabi said that you were in trouble." Denki Kaminari said, nervously. "I'm not in trouble, I purposely acted weak in front of them to gain favor. This guy knew my parents, he tried to save them and me before All Might killed them right in front of me." They all looked sympathetic towards her and smiled genuinely at Aizawa. "Welcome back to the good side, comrade." Mark Ashido said, grinning sadistically. Aizawa just nodded his head. "He's not much of a talker, don't mind him." They all started to walk away, she turned around and exhaled slowly,"That was a close one." He looked at her sideways. "None of that ever happened..." "Yeah like I said, I'm not interested in the Villian side. I lied about my background to get in the school. They believed me because of how good I can act. I've killed countless of people I loved, out of selfish reasons. I was once a hero but I fell from grace. I want to learn what it means to be a hero again. My home was destroyed so here I am."

He looked at her less intensely and pulled her into a warm embrace. She froze in place surprised that he hugged her after what she just said.

Then suddenly she and him were impaled by Kamui Woods quirk. She collapsed to her knees watching his eyes widened in shock. "No, please don't die!" She scream out in sorrow and anger. "What's your name?" As he said that he coughed out blood. "Jesse Blair.." he started to drift off to sleep but she pulled him into a warm embrace. "Hold on, I'll save you." She dismantled him and remade him using Overhaul. He was unconicious but still alive. She held him close and created a cube barrier of black diamonds around them and lit it up with a few lights. "I'll protect you no matter what happens."

AFO: "Jesse, are you in there!? We scared off or killed heroes."

She didn't answer, because she was fast asleep on Aizawa's chest as he slept against the wall.

AFO saw blood and fell to his knees breathing heavily from panic. "Jesse, no.." He got dragged away by the others as he was in shock.

A few hours later: She woke up to see him dead in her arms. She was surrounded by the pro heroes. They killed him for turning against them. She looked at his face, he didn't suffer and died in his sleep. She stood up and electrocuted them all until they all dropped dead. She collapsed to her knees shaking violently. "Damnit, why can't I get my way!?"

She picked up his limp body and walked towards the well guarded school. Her Villian friends ran towards the entrance and saw her carrying a dead body with it's body covered by a blanket. She was dragging the bodies of the dead heroes behind her with her Spider Silk. Her eyes were filled with bloodlust and sorrow.

Dabi: "What happened?"

AFO: "There's no way!"

Shoto: "Glitch?"

Natsuo: "What are you...?"

Jesse: She detached the silk and set down Aizawa's body gently to the ground. "Just die already." Everything around them turned to ice. They all got stuck in place. They screamed out in agony as they were slowly consumed by the frost. She closed her eyes and relished in their screams. "I have no purpose here, anymore."

She created a dimension portal and walked through with a dead look in her eyes. "I hate my life."

To be continued... Next Volume

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