Quick Recap

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My life has been a crazy ride and probobly you all know that. There were times where it's hard and times where they were not. Even when it comes to being loved, being mad, being horny and being sad. So let me give you a recap.

It all started when I entered that room that big ass room with a biss ass woman, I mean not really big like big big but the hot kind of big. Well then of course with this kind of luck I fell, not for the woman but on the floor. Yeah you heared me right, I fell on the floor. And that's when it started.

Love took itself in many many ways for example, sending a gift to my apartment that says.

Hey Waverly, I don't know what is your taste so I gave you this instead. I can't stop thinking about you. I'll send my driver tomorrow to pick you up around 10:30 am


Yeah well turns out we went to Paris. Such a beautiful place that had the most amazing view ever. Over the time I started developing feelings for her with those quick glances and those hot looks. We had dinner inside the eiffel tower which was amazing. I was still kinda shy being around her so I just stayed quiet and made small talk. Then after that Dinner we went home until the most unexpected thing happened. We were on the elevator waiting for our floor standing on the opposite side of each other until...Nicole came rushing to me kissing me. That was the most... amazing feeling ever, her lips were so soft and so gentle. With that it lead us to Nicole's bed, losening up, kissing, moaning, licking, biting, getting naked every kiss and every touch.

A week has passed and I was pissed, I was confused, and I felt played. Ever since that moment Nicole never reached out, never called me or text me. I thought we had something special but at that point I didn't know anymore. Then Wynonna Invited me to go clubbing so we did. Fast forward I woke up in her bed, Nicole's bed. Her and I talked and that's when I told what I felt, like I was a distraction to her and I couldn't control what I felt anymore so I bursted out of her room and left.

Later on the day she told me she liked me... like, LIKE LIKE ME. A week later we haven't talked. Until my finals came, I was given a necklace A REALLY EXPENSIVE ASS NECKLACE. Of course I didn't wanna keep it, I didn't deserve it after what we have gone through so I returned it. Then uughhh... we kinda lost control so we went and um.. did... some.. personal things.... a.k.a boom boom.

Then one day, while I was having Brunch Champ texted Wynonna telling her that he's in New York. Then we went home to my apartment only to see Champ OF COURSE! We fought and fought until someone saved me... Nicole. She saved me from Champ. Later on the night after knowing I passed my final and at That night I was Nicole Haught's official girlfriend. Then we ugh... you know... boom boom again.

Fast forward of Months being with Nicole it was just amazing, not just the sex but also her love. It was the most enchanting this ever. We did have fights and what not but we got over it... together. Making me fall inlove with her more. Everything was just perfect.

Until one day I had a job offer, I had to move to Seattle for 6 months. At first I didn't wanna tell Nicole because I was afraid that she'd leave me and she would break up with me so I kept it to myself for awhile, I had a point in life where I was going to reject the offer because I couldn't risk losing the love of my life. But instead... Nicole found out herself 2 weeks before my flight to Seattle. We had a mini fight about it but we found our way around. So instead we spent the remaining days enjoying our time together.

Well... just the day I was suppose to leave....

Nicole proposed to me.

We spent the remaining time celebrating it with our friends and had the most amazing, breath taking, hot sex ever. Then the day after I had to leave.

Months past by and our love and affection was starting to fade with this LDR bullshit. I found later that I was released early, meaning I get to Nicole again. YAY!

But instead I got the exact opposite. Causing Nicole and I to seperate. (Read Shades of Wayhaught if you wanna know what happened🤭)

And that's about it....

Now I am starting a new Journey in life. Without Nicole... But you never know

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