Charity is the human daughter of slender man she has all of his powers strength speed teleportation and everything in between she is sent to infiltrate Graphnix and his friends to either kill them or get them to join him but what happens when she tu...
"Fall deeper and deeper, the sirens are singing your song"
Charity's P.O.V:
I woke up to what little light that was coming from a small window in my cell I looked beside me to still see tubes connected to my veins pumping out my blood how was I even still alive there was no way in hell I still had blood left it was impossible I sighed trying to move but could barely do that I shook my head trying to hold back tears I didn't know how long it's been since I've been here I didn't understand while my body was still fighting to stay alive I just hoped that Nick was ok after what my mom had told me I leaned my head back against the cold wall when I heard footsteps I managed to get up leaning up but weak very weak. Soon the figure appeared and it was no one else then my father with his faceless features "Father" I managed to say out loud my voice was hoarse though "Hello daughter I see your still alive very stubborn of you" his voiced echoed in my head it really sucked that I could hear his voice in my head. I let out a weak laugh "I'm very strong willed" I said. He laughed darkly in response "It won't be long until I've taken all your life force and power source and then you won't be of any use to me anymore and you would just be well dead" He said. I laughed at him. "Right sure you will" I said sarcastically which didn't make him happy and he teleported into the cell and was close I couldn't shrink back much as he looked at me "Your very annoying" he said. I laughed and found some strength to rip the machines off the wall and managed to use them to get him out of my way and breaking the chain with some adrenaline that's all he could have been I thought as I ran after yanking the tubes out and finding any sort of strength I had to run and make into the forest which I thought I knew by heart but it had changed somehow which made me a little disorriented but I had to focus and get out of there which I manged until I found myself in a meadow somewhere I didn't know where else I could go I didn't realize how far I was from civilitation I collapsed there at least I was hidden but now I realized I would most likely die now in the middle of nowhere I closed my eyes tears falling and all I could muster out was Nick's name not that he would even hear me or I forgot he wouldn't know who I was even if he did manage to find me which he wouldn't I just wish in that moment that I could say I love him.
Graphnix's P.O.V:
I laid on the ground in the backyard letting the cold ground cool down my burning body I felt like I was dying all I really wanted to do was close my eyes but voices or one voice interuppted that and it wasn't any of my roommates since none of them were home or at least I didn't think they were it was a small voice a female voice that only said one thing "Nick" it said my name I sat up wincing a bit and looking around "Hello?" I asked looking around but there was nothing there but the voice kept repeating my name I tried closing my eyes thinking it was just a hallucination and I was just hearing things but I knew it was real when the mark burned my skin making me fall down on my knees and I saw images flash in my head of a girl a brown haired girl standing in a field with Iv's in her arms and she was staring at me with brown eyes that was so captivating and she was staring at me "Nick" she kept repeating "I'm here is that you?" I asked myself as the images flashed back and forth faster and my name being repeated before she faded from view making me gasp and memories flood my mind and I got up feeling something pumping through my veins making them strain and I saw my veins turn black almost I started panicking a bit before I felt an immense pain in my bag as tentacle like wings came out of my back making me yell out in pain before it stopped and I passed out.
That is chapter 17 of this story Im really sorry that it doesn't make any sense but if you can't tell hes' getting powers, the same powers as Charity and Slenderman I know it's confusing and I'm so sorry, so so sorry, enjoy
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