Charity is the human daughter of slender man she has all of his powers strength speed teleportation and everything in between she is sent to infiltrate Graphnix and his friends to either kill them or get them to join him but what happens when she tu...
When we landed I woke up Charity gently she didn't look too good "Are you ok?" I asked her worried. She nodded. "Yeah i'm fine can we please go to the hotel or wherever we're going I need to lay down" She said before she passed out before she could hit the floor I grabbed her trying to wake her but didn't get anything I sighed she looked super drained could it have been from the flight I walked up to the luggage pickup to pickup my luggage struggling when the guys and I's good friend Shyra came over to help when she noticed Charity "Is she ok?" Shyra asked. I shook my head. "She said she was ok she just needed to lay down before she passed out do you know where we're going I need to get her there" I said. Shyra nodded and told me the address we were staying at while we were here I thanked her and got into a rental car and headed to the place it was a huge penthouse I couldn't really check it out right now I was focused on Charity Shyra had already told me to claim one of the bedrooms and I chose one of the big ones that overlooked the city I dropped Charity and I's bags off and I laid her down on the bed taking her shoes off and covering her up I sighed hoping she was ok I went to put our stuff away when I felt a familar pain in my side I looked at it seeing the same mark from before when I was trying to find Charity and now it felt like it was pulsing from inside my body I shook my head putting a bandage on it knowing it would fade and then come back I decided to kick off my shoes and lay next to Charity I leaned on my elbows stroking her face gently and giving her a kiss on the forehead "Feel better soon sweetheart" I said before I decided to take a nap until the guys got here.
(Nick and Charity's room if your curious)
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(The italics next is Charity in a dream)
Charity's P.O.V:
I was running away nothing around me but trees I was running away from someone or something the scenery looked familiar I could see lights and buildings but they seemed so far away "You thought you could escape by going to another city you can't get away from me that easily daughter" the voice said. "Why can't you just leave me alone!" I yelled as I kept running it seemed like the trees went on forever until I found an opening I ran through it looking around "Help someone!" I yelled as I ran but no one answered cause no one was around . I kept running but the scenery changed again into the forest I was running in before "Stop this!" I yelled gripping my head trying to get myself to wake up but I was gripped by a long pair of arms of my father I kicked and screamed but the more I struggled he would slowly suffocate me "It's time to end this foolish game" he said before he snapped my neck.
I woke up screaming gripping my neck which woke Nick up "Hey hey calm down" he said reaching out to me but I got up and backed away from him. "Charity?" he asked his voice gently. I shook my head holding my neck. "Did you just try to kill me!" I yelled feeling angry out of nowhere. He shook his head. "No of course not why would you say that?" he asked clearly hurt all I could see is red at the moment before I took a closer look at him and felt my anger fade "N..nick i'm sorry I.. I don't know where that came from" I said sliding down the all putting my head in my hands gripping my knees and just sat there until I felt a pair of arms around my waist and a kiss was placed on my forehead I laid my head on his shoulder exausted. "What happened?" he asked. I shook my head. "It was a nightmare I think my father followed me here" I whispered. He shook his head. "I don't think that's the case I think you are just scared but your safe here with us I promise" Nick said. I looked into his eyes wanting to believe him but I didn't know if I could so all I did was nod "Ok" I said leaning into his embrace when a group of voices came into the house all saying how cool the place it was. "It must be the guys" Nick said. I nodded. "yeah go greet them i'll be out I just need a minute" I said. He nodded kissed my lips and got up going out to the living room I sighed and sat there gathering myself before getting up I went into the adjoining bathroom in the room and splashed water on my face taking a deep breath before going out to the living room the girls came up to me to make sure I was ok. "Ok after we're done packing lets party like for real this place is awesome" Jester said. Everyone agreed including me before we all went to our rooms to prepare.
(Here's more of the rooms for everyone)
Jesse and Madison's room
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Hypymyke's and Alley (made up name)
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And Graphnix's little brothers room
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