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*2 days later*

Graphnix's P.O.V:

Two days later after talking to Charity about going with me and the guys it was time to get everything ready for out trips we would be gone for a few weeks in order to check out both spots at the moment I was sitting in my room packing up things Charity was napping she's been doing that a lot which was kind of worrying me a bit but she kept insisting she was fine so I didn't bother asking her anymore about it I was just letting her sleep but a few minutes later she was stirring and waking up she opened her eyes and looked at me which made me smile "Hi there sleepyhead how are you feeling?" I asked her. She smiled at me "I'm fine what time is it I hope i'm not making you guys late i'm just really tired for some reason and I don't know why" She said as she sat up wrapping the blanket around her I found it cute how she buried herself in my blankets for the past few days since she had gotten here i've felt so connected to her in ways I didn't understand at all "It"s fine the guys are still getting ready are your injuries ok I know I haven't checked them for a while is it ok with you if I check I won't if you don't want me to I don't want you to feel uncomfortable" I said. She shook her head "No I don't mind go ahead" she said. I nodded and got up and walked over to her and sat next to her on the bed she smiled at me and that smile gave me butterflies and I smiled back at her she lifted her shirt up a bit to show where the cut was he couldn't help but look over her fragile but beautiful body he shook his head immediately pushing those kind of thoughts from his mind "Well the cut looks like it's all healed how does your ribs and back for mind if I check don't worry I won't overstep my boundaries cause you would probably kick my butt you seem really strong in that aspect I don't know how I notice that sorry i'm mumbling nonsense" I said which made her giggle a bit her giggle was so angel like but also kind of devilish at the same time. "Go ahead got to make sure i'm in tip top shape for the trip" she said. I nodded "True" I said as i moved my fingers up along her ribs pushing gently she hissed a bit "i'm sorry" I said. She shook her head "It's fine no worries" she said I pulled my hands away and put her shirt down for her "They are still tender but doing better from what I can tell but we'll make sure to watch out for you anyways i'll let you get ready i'm going to go see if the guys are all packed and ready uh my friend Shyra left you some clothes to borrow they should fit if not you can wear something of mine even though i'm sure everything would be too big for you but hey it's a thought anyways i'll be back" I said and going over to her ruffling her hair making her laugh before I left the room my heart was racing and I had felt the sickness from earlier before it faded it was weird it was only when I was around Charity or maybe I was coming down with something who knows" I thought as I went downstairs to see if the guys were ready.

Charity's P.O.V:

I sat there in silence for awhile looking around at the room I didn't like this idea but I wasn't going to let them all go by themselves not if my dad was going to show up back there which he could at any moment and if the guys weren't dead then he'll make it happen himself I was determined to find any proof that my dad had something to do with my moms death which wouldn't surprise me I couldn't reach out to my mom through telepathy cause my dad would push her out like he did last time you would think he would let me speak to my mother but he didn't which was really suspicious after thinking about that a little longer my mind went to Nick and how he was taking such good care of me and I felt connected to him somehow like telpathically which I didn't quite understand but I couldn't dwell on that long anyway I had to get ready before Nick came back. I stood up and grabbed the clothes that were set out for me I grabbed them and started getting ready the clothes fit perfectly which was shocking it felt nice to be in other clothes but my bloody ones once I was ready I picked up the bags for Graphnix's and headed downstairs the boys were joking and laughing but stopped when Nick looked at me. "There she is I see the clothes fit that's good and you didn't have to grab the bags I would've gotten them." he said. I smiled "its ok it was no trouble are you guys uh ready to go?" I asked They nodded and I nodded as well giving the bags to graphnix and heading out to the car taking a deep breath I was nervous for my life and thiers I had a feeling things weren't going to end well for me but i'd rather sacrifice myself for them, then for them to lose thiers as the car left the driveway and we were on the road I laid my head on Nicks' shoulder and kissed his cheek before closing my eyes trying to think of good thoughts and not bad ones.

(charity's outfit)


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There is chapter 6 I hope you like and I want to know how i should increase Nick's and charitys realationship any ideas are welcome thank you guys see you in the next update

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