Graphnix's P.O.V:

The crew and I were out doing a photoshoot for our instagrams because we're cool apparently I shook my head I sat on a wall watching Jesse getting his photos done first I hadn't been really paying attention because my mind was focused on Charity trying to figure out exactly what was wrong but my mind was just coming up blank and it made my chest hurt and to top it off she was ignoring my calls and texts she didn't even read them which made me even more worried because anything could have happened to her and I wouldn't know because I was here and she was there but then again if something had happened I would have felt it because I still knew who she was and my side wasn't bugging me I tried calling her again but it went to the general voicemail and I sighed before recording another message and hung up by that time it was my turn so I jumped off the wall and went onto another wall and waited to get my pictures done.

Charity's P.O.V:

The alarm I had set to wake me up went off and I grabbed my phone and turned off the alarm and getting up but not before looking at all the missed calls and messages from Nick I just deleted them all like they were never there I looked at the time it was 3am which then it was time for me to go do the ritual I had looked at the paper I wrote on and walked downstairs instead of summoning my father in the house I was going to summon him in the forest right next to the house because I was feeling generous I grabbed a knife so I could carve a circle in a tree and an ex once I grabbed the tools I needed I left the house looking up at the sky I saw it was a full moon which would make this more stronger. I made my way to the forest that was next to the house and walked in looking for the best tree to start this with but shortly I went into some sort of trance 

(The italics is her talking to herself in her head kind of like the devil and angel on my shoulder thing)

The trance I was in pulled me into my own head where I most likely will be arguing with myself "Charity you don't want to do this to yourself " The good half of me had said which was right I didn't want to do this but the other half of me wants to "Yes you do want to do this to yourself it's been bubbling up inside you since you had got rescued your captivity had made you realize this" The other half of me that was who I used to be before I met nick but she never went away. "Charity don't do this your smarter then this you love Nick remember you wouldn't do this to him" the new me had said the voices kept arguing back and forth with each other and I was getting sick of it "Stop!" I yelled making those two voices stop "I know what my decision is and neither of you chose it I did so shut up" I said.

With that I was back to normal and kept venturing into the forest until I came upon the prefect place in the forest to do the ritual I looked at the paper in my hand and then carved a big circle into the tree with the knife and put an X through it like the ritual said. I took a deep breath and put my head against the tree and closed my eyes remembering the chant that came with this ritual and I began to chant it

Slenderman, Slenderman all the children try to run, Slenderman Slenderman to him its part of the fun. Slenderman, Slenderman dressed in dark his suit and tie, Slenderman, Slenderman you most certainly will die. I stopped chanting and focused taking a deep breath when I felt the forest shift underneath me and a presence behind me. I turned and came face to face with my father. "Hello daughter"  he said.

Slendermans Human Daughter (Graphnix Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now