Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Me and Caitlin were going mental in the car, we were on our way to Sprowston manor at that point in time. Me, Caitlin and Caitlin’s sister Emma were all in the car. With Caitlin’s mum driving. No words can really describe exactly how I felt. Some points in time I felt sick, others I felt like jelly and I even felt cold sometimes because I was nervous. Our day was literally going to be stalking them.

We had to stop off at a shop on our way to Sprowston manor to get batteries for Caitlin’s mum’s camera. As Caitlin’s mum pulled up to the shop I hopped out the car to get my stuff out. I had brought my camera, drawing of Joe Hart and my autograph book. At this moment me and Caitlin were still fantasising and going mad. We were literally roads away from nearly meeting them.

Caitlin’s uncle worked at the Etihad back in Manchester and found out what time they were going to arrive in Norwich. He said they were taking the train and arrive at about 2:15.

 We were travelling to Sprowston Manor for around 3 o’clock. When we arrives we sat in the car directly opposite the entrance waiting for them to arrive. I must say it was for a long while. Time quickly passed and we just kept looking out for their coach. We weren’t sure if what we got told was accurate but we were at least there in case they did arrive. That was the whole point of the day. Basically stalking them.

At around 3:30 we saw a bunch of security guards get out of a car. We had hope in that they might be with the Manchester team. They definitely looked like they were. At that moment me and Caitlin were shaking with excitement. We were still sat in the car debating whether or not to ask them. In the end Emma and Lisa, Caitlin’s mum went after them but they went in doors so we missed our chance. We still sat waiting. We weren’t leaving until we saw them. Me and Caitlin were just mucking about and had our eyes open like hawks. But suddenly…

A big purple coach came round the corner and down the drive way of Sprowston Manor. We were about to get out of the car before we even saw it. But this was it. We were about to meet them. We all legged it to the front of Sprowston Manor. As the coach came down the drive and even closer to us we were screaming and freaking out. It turned the corner which was unexpected but we chased after it! It stopped at the back door. There was even a rope up which we stood behind. All me and Caitlin were thinking about was the fact they might be on there looking at us. We were the only ones there. The 4 of us. We can have all of them to ourselves.

But to our disappointment a bunch of physio staff and even more security came off. In the coaches’ luggage boxes was a bunch of water and kit. We were still really excited. We didn’t really know what was happening. A bunch of met stood talking, we had no clue what about until a man approached us. We asked him if the Manchester City team were on the coach, but he said they hadn’t even landed yet. We kept asking him questions about what was going on until he said to us to come back in 3 hours and to wait out the front as that was where it was all going to happen.

We walked back to the car and decided what we were going to do next. Weather to go to the airport and wait for them to land or to come back in 3 hours. We had to pick up Caitlin’s dad from work though and Emma had a sleepover to go to. We had to plan what to do. My sister was texting me like crazy asking me a load of questions. Deep down I think she was jealous but she kept denying it. 

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