iii. badboyhalo; crimson

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— their best friend has been acting strangely and they have a few theories as to why that is

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— their best friend has been acting strangely and they have a few theories as to why that is.


HAVING being friends with Bad for as long as they have came with a lot of friendship perks. They know when he's overjoyed about something, knows when he finds himself interested in someone special, and more importantly — knows when something is wrong.

And something right now is very wrong.

He'd begun to act weird after a week or so apart from them, which too was strange since he'd always insist on them never splitting apart from each other.

They'd figured then that he only wished to have space, that maybe he was going through something he didn't feel comfortable to talk about with them just yet.

If only they'd questioned it more. Then maybe they could've prevented whatever he turned into under... what did he call it? The Egg? If he wasn't under The Egg's influence then he wouldn't have to look so distant all the time.

Always calculating, and always alone with himself in the same spot Y/n finds them in now.

"Hey, Bad?" They called out quietly, hands on their knees as they slouched their back to be of better hearing range for their friend sitting down on the bridges ledge; legs dangling but head hanging low in what they could only decipher as careful thought.

"Hello Y/n, how are you?" He answered, without an ounce of care in the world. Y/n tried their best to not be offended and to be more open minded about the situation at hand.

"I'm good, just been looking for my best pal that seems to disappear whenever he gets the chance to."

Their eyebrows furrowed. Is he happy in this state? Will he be okay for as long as The Egg has its clutches around Bad's free will?

Bad titled his head in Y/N's direction and smiled a smile they hadn't seen in ages. One that was so genuine that it had them taken aback for a moment.

Maybe they're the one in the wrong here, they could just be misinterpreting the egg and all it's worth because of a few kids running around the SMP and their own opinions on it.

"That's good to hear."

"Yeah..." Y/n coughed and cleared their throat in an awkward manner.

"So... do you want to go get something to eat?" He was quick to decline.

"No thanks I had something to eat from The Egg already."

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