Summer soon ending

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Boruto pov:
I spent my entire summer with shikadai and inojin, we mainly camped out or had sleepover's at each other's houses playing games and pigging out on junk food it feels like summer passed us by as we sat and basically did nothing, school is only 2 days away, that meant i get to see her again, I haven't seen her since the last day, shoulder length bob styled hair, those dark onyx brown eyes that glisten when the stars shine off of them, The uchiha princess. We're all 17 now we'll all be juniors so we've all changed quite a bit , she's been traveling with her parents all summer going to different villages i wonder how that went considering Sasuke can be a loof and Auntie sakura could be so clingy at time. "Boruto hey boruto " shikadai called to me multiple times as i was just lost in space, whats up shika i say back to him, " we want to go to the arcade then thunder burger are you coming?" He says to me Nah man i have to get home we have to pack before we go back to dorms remember! I exclaimed to shikadai. "Oh yeah totally forgot about school what a drag"
Sarada pov :
It's been two months, I've been traveling with mama and papa ever since school ended its been a total adventure getting to see different villages that differ from our own, although I'm never really home due to school being atleast 3 hours away from the village, I'm not against sleeping in dorms, i just wish i had my own , i share one with my two best friends chocho and himawari, although himawari is two years younger than the two of us she managed to get a dorm, she sweet talked the dean iruka, but her dad is Naruto uzumaki, speaking of uzumaki one of my best friends, I'll be able to see him again , last time we spoke was the last day of school now that i think about it i kind of miss the blonde haired ocean eyed baka staring into his eyes is like looking into the sea itself you can get lost in those eyes . Why am dreaming about bolt all of a sudden maybe my feelings have grown quite a bit we did practically grow up together and mama always teased us into getting into a relationship but papa hates when she does it he see's me as a little kid still. "Sarada we're approaching the village i know we just got back from traveling but when you get home you have to pack right away to get ready for school " my mama said to me "okay mom I understand " i said back to her . I had texted chocho and himawari inside our gc letting them know i was coming incase they wanted to meet me at the gate
Bad bitch gc
Sarada: hey girl's how was your summer?
Chocho: it was good my mom brought food from the hidden cloud for me to eat it was so delicious😩🤤
Himawari: I've been hanging with inojin but he was busy with my brother
Chocho: speaking of your brother Sarada it's been a minute 😏
Sarada: lmaoo chocho chill anyways I'm approaching the village gate if you guys wanna meet me there
Chocho: on my way
Himawari: I'll meet up with you guys tmr my mom wants me to pack and help with dinner
Sarada: okay see you guys then 😚
I wonder will I bump into boruto I thought to myself . As Me, Mama, Papa approached the gate i saw none other than chocho waving us down screaming my name. "SARADA SARADA!!!" I couldn't do anything but laugh she's so full of life and looking at her she's changed alot she's alot slimmer than before her butt is bigger and her boobs are bigger she's got the body of magazine model now i grew kind of jealous and insecure, i mean my body isn't bad I'm quite petite i had a nice size butt and and my boobs were average just seeing chocho shows she's matured physically at least. "SARADA HIII I MISSED YOU wow you've changed alot !" She said to me loudly as i rolled the window down. I really hadn't changed much i was still short 5'3 my hair grown alot longer though it was mid back but not much has changed i said to her . "Well lets get you home and unpacked and grab something to eat maybe thunder burger?" Sure as I agreed and got out the car and left my things in there and i then turned to my mama and papa sitting in the car, seeing if it was okay they shook their heads saying okay.
*20 min time skip to chocho and sarada walking to thunder burger *
"Wow I can't wait to get my car i hate walking " chocho said as she complained, we finally arrived at thunder burger and as i pass by the window i see shikadai and inojin and a fine ass blonde boy... wait is that boruto? My eyes lit up in awe
Boruto pov:
Somehow inojin and shikadai convinced me to come to thunder burger with them i ordered the newest burger they had out at the moment since a thunder burger isn't on campus I've been trying all the new weekly burgers since summer started surprised I haven't popped yet. As the three of us we're sitting down, chocho passes the window with a long hair beauty with a nice figure as i lock eyes with the onyx eyes i realize who it is ... it's Sarada. She had returned to the village.. "Hey my boy besties " chocho said loudly i was in shock at how much Sarada looked different her hair had grown longer than usual, he body shape had filled out a little although she was still quite petite everything about her caught my attention. "You gonna keep eye fucking me or hug me already baka bolt" Sarada said to me I blushed a little bit and hugged her, how I've missed her hugs and the way she smelled, how have you been i asked her  "I've been good traveling alot saw different land and villages" she answered back, I couldn't help but stare at her she was so beautiful it's like she mesmerized me with her face "hey boruto did you hear me??" She says waving her hand in my face, oh sorry what did you say , i say looking confused, "um why you keep going into space " shikadai says, oh its nothing what was it Sarada? "Where is Mitsuki? Have you seen him at all?" Uh um we saw him a few times but he's in the sound village since he's transferring to our school this year he's coming a week late , but listen i have a new car mom and dad got it for me for making outstanding grades ya know! I say with a grin smiling "oh really I can't wait to ride in it with you on the way back to school " she says with a smug grin. So you do wanna ride with me I was going to ask. "Well of course you are my boy bestfriend" she said gladly , i misheard her and thought she said boyfriend i turned red as a tomato at the thought suddenly i felt the softest smallest hand touch my forehead it was her checking if i suddenly caught a fever "are you okay?" She said worried, i grabbed her hand and held it for some time reassuring her i was okay, as i held her hand I noticed she started blushing , maybe she feels the way i do
Sarada pov:
As i felt his forehead checking to see if he had caught a fever after seeing him turn so red he grabbed my hand and held it letting me know he was okay his hand was so big and manly now it felt comforting having him hold my hand, I started blushing and I wondered did he notice, my feelings for him most definitely changed i like him, like alot i wonder does he feel the same. A few minutes passed by we were still holding hands and the five of us kept talking until we heard three familiar voices enter the building i turn and see its none other than sumire, wasabi, and namida the three messiest, shadiest, and pettiest, girls anyone could know. Sumire and I were actually good friends until she got jealous of my lifestyle by my dad being a Uchiha we are quite wealthy just as Boruto and she couldn't stand it so she would always try to one up me with anything even when it came to boys i dated a boy kawaki to be exact for a few months in school and she hated to see it so she basically fought me for him but i backed down and let her have him because It wasn't even that serious and the other two are just her lap dogs who run behind her taking any command she yells their way, "well well if it isn't the idot 5 sitting together except for boruto with his fine self " sumire exclaimed, i just rolled my eyes and kept holding bolt's hand i felt safe doing so , " whats your issue four eyes!" Namida said to me i just ignored her and boruto gripped my hand tighter and gave me a sly smile making me blush . "Whats this why you holding the bug eyed bitch hand? Don't tell me you're dating her boruto? Because you can do better" "and if i was?" Bolt said boldly making me turn red as a tomato " because you deserve someone better than a pampered spoiled princess who probably will give you money to date her" she said directly to me, next thing i knew it her little puppies were surrounding me picking at me and touching me and i lost my cool and got up ready to fight. "What does princess want to fight me ?" She said bravely, i just tied my hair into a bun and walked outside i knew if I fought her and beat her ass the other two would jump in i was prepared though because I'm fighting for respect and tired of her thinking she can bully me . "Yes meet me outside " "oh no " chocho and the others said. I go outside to see everyone follows, i look at bolt and notice he's worried i flash him a smile blushing
Boruto pov:
I honestly have no idea what happened next thing i knew the girl i fell madly in love with is tying her hair into a bun leaving her glasses on the table and walks outside prepared to fight the messy sumire for trash talking her, I noticed she kept ignoring them but they kept picking at her they even went as far and pushing her head messing her hair up which is probably what sent her over the edge, i stand outside and look at her with worry all over my face she see's me and gives me a smile, giving me relief of knowing she can handle herself, my only issue is if she beats sumire ass what will the other two do? I will never hit a female but I won't allow them to jump her not at all... Sarada was also shorter than all the girls giving them the advantage of height but she was hot headed and stronger when she's mad so i had no idea how this will turn out " hey boruto " shikadai calls me, what is it i say to him "you seem so worried what's wrong, don't worry your girlfriend won't lose" i look at him with confusion and embarrassment all over my face as it turned red , he giggled at me and now shikadai knows something is up
Narrator Pov:
The next thing everyone knew sumire threw the first punch at Sarada, Sarada dodged it and tackled sumire to the hard concrete side walk causing sumire to badly scrape her skin showing and exposing meat, sumire let out a cry of pain but Sarada was on top of her and started punching her face continuously with both fist, sumire nose eventually started bleeding but Sarada wasn't letting off she had her adrenaline rushing and had a monster strength out of no where and started cussing sumire out and everything, wasabi and namida were too scared to jump in scared to even get touched my Sarada they tremebled in fear of the Uchiha
Sarada Pov:
I don't know what got into me as she was standing there i got angrier and angrier she threw the first lick at me i dodged it and tackled her, my adrenaline rushed and i had the strength of ten men i went left and right punching her face breaking her nose I kept going though "GET HER OFF ME HELP ME" she yelled her two friends stood there shaking in fear and I started wailing on her more until i felt a familiar hand pull me off her , it was my papa he came looking for me since it had gotten late, he see's I nearly beat the purpled hair bitch to a pulp and nearly killed her, he looked at my face with tears of relief running down my face and my face piping red and hot if anger welling inside me and my fist covered in blood.. "sarada  lets go now grab your glasses and someone call a ambulance and her mother" he said with disappointment my father and mother knew i had been bullied by sumire multiple times, I've always ignored her until today, it was the last time i took any disrespect from her, her words affected me more than anyone knew I always said i was fine but deep down i was ready to kill her at all time, I knew papa and mama would be mad I fought but when it came to bullying they knew it would eventually happen "come on Sarada we'll talk more at home" "Sarada I'll text you okay" i heard from bolt i shook my head letting him know okay and walked home

Word count : 2,359
I'll update randomly sometimes twice a day i have nothing but free time lol i hope everyone enjoys!

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