Senior events

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Timeskip( its now may and a week before graduation)
Sarada pov:
It's now may, and graduation is literally right around the corner. This week are our senior events, our senior bowling trip, the senior breakfast, and the senior gathering with our families. We even have our senior shirts to wear all week. I was concerned for boruto because he had officially moved into our house, and still has been in no contact with his family. They'll be seeing each other at the senior gathering since they're coming to support me. Boruto... are you going to talk to them today? Its been 5 months. I asked him. " I'll see them in a few days what happens, just happens." He said to me. I want things to go back to normal bolt. I said to him. " well i want alot of things but unfortunately it's impossible to get them all at my time of wanting it" he said. I walked out the room and downstairs. " hey Sarada" my dad said greeting me. Hey dad, i said in a low tone. " whats wrong"? He asked me. Same old same old with boruto, just want him to get back along with his family, i said sighing. " well you can't make something happen, it'll all happen in due time we have to be patient and hope for the best" he said. Sayuri was also downstairs and learned how to walk, she turns 1 years old in 2 months so its right on time. She could even say mama and papa now which was so cute. She stumbled over to me and I picked her up and kissed her cheek, she blushed and laughed playfully. I went back upstairs and Sayuri followed me by crawling up them. I went back in my room and hugged boruto tightly. " whats this?" He said curiously. I just want to let you know however things turn out I'm always here for you my love, i said hugging him. " thanks princess i love you" he said. We were about to kiss before we were interrupted by baby talk and the words " mama and papa". Bolt ran and threw her in the air twice and kissed her. " this is really my one and only happy place" bolt said. Time passed and me, boruto, and Sayuri were at konaha Bed's to get Sayuri a new baby bed, she out grown her crib so it was time for her very own baby bed. We ended up getting her one and went to grab something to eat. Of course boruto stopped at thunder burger. We saw all our friends in there and decided to dine in. Since school for seniors was over they were home for the senior events. I grabbed Sayuri out the car and walked in with boruto. " hey you guys" inojin said greeting us. " aww let me hold Sayuri" shikadai said. I handed her to him and as boruto sat down i went to order our food, i knew to get boruto the newest burger of the week and get Sayuri a kids meal of some nuggets since she did have a few teeth now. I went to sit down and waited for our ticket number to be called. " so is everyone ready for this week's events?" Mitsuki asked. I am i can't wait to bowl, i said cheerfully. " I'm ready for the gathering because I heard from past seniors the food is exquisite" chocho said. " what about you boruto?" Inojin asked. " oh I'm ready for it all" he said with a fake smile. My cheerfulness turned into concern real quick . " I'll just say it, boruto your family misses you, every time i go over, they run to the door thinking I'm you and when they realize its not they get so sad, they've apologized and realized how they were wrong, so please talk to them hima is also sad" inojin said. Boruto just got up and walked towards the door. " Sarada when the food is ready get it to go because I'm ready to leave" he said coldly. I nodded and went to get our food. Hey shika, bring her to the car please, i asked while pushing the door open with my back and exiting the building. I got in as shikadai buckled Sayuri into her carseat. " boruto man, I'll call you later i hope everything gets better man" he said leaving going back into the building. I looked at boruto and he was crying, actual tears streaming from his eyes down his cheeks. Boruto, are you okay, you rarely cry. I said rubbing his back. "No I'm not fine, how can i be so stupid, treating my family this way holding this stupid grudge, im such an idiot, Do you mind going over there with me?" He asked me. I wiped his tears and said I didn't mind. We ate our food in the car and drove over to his house. " I'm nervous princess" he said pulling into the driveway. Its okay bolt, I'm with you one hundred percent. We got out and Sayuri had fallen asleep so i picked her up and placed her head on my shoulder and bounced her gently. We reached the door and knocked softly. We heard some running footsteps as if people were racing towards the door, then it opened slowly. When the door opened it was naruto and hinata standing there. " im ho-" boruto was about to say that until he was squeezed into a tight group hug. " we are so sorry boruto for any pain we caused you that night we hate it happened that way and we are deeply sorry" hinata said crying. " and I'm sorry for igniting a fight I shouldn't have put my hands on you" naruto said. I heard bolt crying and he said " im sorry too, it was also my fault for acting like a little brat that week during himawari's thing i shouldnt have brushed it off as stupid or unimportant when it was important to her" he said. " so will you come home?" Hinata said. " yes i will" he said as they all smiled and hugged again.
The next day
Boruto pov:
I had moved back in after 5 whole months. All my things were back and it was back to normal. Himawari didn't know i had came back and me mom and dad wanted to keep it a secret. I walked downstairs to see himawari's back turned while she ate, i walked downstairs quietly and sat down casually at the table. She was in her phone and didn't even notice i was there. " so boruto what would you like for breakfast" mom said. "Mom boruto isn't her-" hima started to say before seeing me sitting there. " BIG BROTHERRRRRRR YOURE BACK I MISSED YOU SO MUCH IM SO SORRY" she said squeezing my neck. I hugged her back and told her I was sorry too. We were all happy again. Well okay guys today is bowling and i gotta go meet up with sarada, so thanks I'll be home later, i said walking out the door. I picked Sarada up and we headed to the bowling alley. All the seniors of our class were here. Of course i met up with my group of friends and we all went in ready to bowl.
Sumire pov:
When i got to the bowling alley with wasabi, namida, and kawaki i noticed Sarada and her group of friends, I haven't encountered her since the trip with our online class. I will admit she can fight and my friends are too scary to jump in when she gets the best of me. I was going to start something , and was going to sneak her so i could finally win a fight against her and say she caused it to happen before the chaperones broke it up. I snuck away from my crew and got behind Sarada and tapped her shoulder and when she turned around I punched her causing her to fall down.
Sarada Pov:
I had just got done putting my bowling shoes on and as i was standing there talking to some people i felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around I was punched dead in my face by sumire, she got on top of me punching me saying " THIS IS FOR THAT SUMMER, THIS IS FOR THE FIRST DAY OF JUNIOR YEAR,THIS IS FOR THE FIELD TRIP AND THIS IS FOR STEALING BORUTO AWAY FROM ME" she had gotten pulled off me by kawaki and her friends and i sat there lying on the floor. I heard bolt running to the front of the small crowd that gathered and he met my gaze. " SARADA who did this??" He said picking me up. I got up and wiped my nose of the little blood that came out and said sumire. " I'll go take care of her" chocho said. I stopped her and said don't worry about it, she needs this ego boost, this attention, this street cred she's looking for and I'll let her have it. Its our senior week and i wont let her ruin it over some years old drama. I went to look in the mirror in the girls restroom and saw she didn't even give me a scratch the only thing she caused was a drop of blood out my nose i just hope she got that out her system. I found my friends and we all found a bowling lane to use as a group. Unfortunately inojin didn't have his girlfriend here since she's still in actual school and school for her ends the week of graduation. We bowled and we all bought some nachos. I peeped sumire looking at me with frustration and confusion as to why I hadn't reacted to her actions earlier. " HEY FOUR EYES" she screamed as i walked by her with my nachos in hand. What? I said bluntly. " WHY ARENT YOU FIGHTING ME BACK? WHY ARE YOU SMILING AFTER I JUST PUNCHED YOU AND FOUGHT YOU" she said to me. Simple, I'm done feeding into your mess, do what you please if it helps you sleep better at night but im officially done with you and your drama im not putting no more energy into your pathetic and miserable life, i wish you nothing but good luck and fortune for a happy future, bye sumire. I said walking away smiling eating my nachos. I caught up with my friends and we laughed and ate our snacks the rest of the afternoon. Sumire squealed with frustration when i walked away and now she was nothing but a past and distant memory. When bolt dropped me off at home there was a ambulance there in our drive way, i saw mama crying in papa's chest as they stood in the doorway, i got out the car and raced to ask what happened? MAMA PAPA WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE IS SAYURI? I screamed as my eyes filled with tears. " listen she's going to be okay Sarada she had a bad allergic reaction" my papa said. Allergic reaction?? She's not allergic to anything! I said . " your mother made a peanut butter jelly sandwich for her and when she went to eat it your mother noticed the signs of an allergic reaction her body was covered in hives and her throat started to close, luckily your mother had a epipen in the first aid kit and quickly stuck her and called the paramedics here, they're treating her right now, if we hadn't moved she could have gone into anaphylactic shock" papa said. " okay who's the parent of this child?" A paramedic asked. " we are" bolt said holding me. " okay listen here het her allergic reaction has stopped and her throat is opening again, she is exhausted and needs rest, she has been issued some epipens, her allergic reaction happened from the peanut butter so peanuts and peanut based products are the problem she is highly allergic and can die from this allergy so be careful" he said to us. I grabbed her and she was hot so i went upstairs and laid her in her new bed and put a cold rag on her head as bolt put the epipens in her drawer. I didn't want to leave her side so i sat for hours until she woke up. I eventually fell asleep and next thing i knew I was in my bed sleeping. I was just so scared because this hadn't happened before but I guess you can get allergies from things as you get older. I'll just have to wait for her to get up and keep an eye on all foods from now on..

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