The Tour

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Chongyun stands at the entrance of a large house, in the middle of the city, overrun with vines and other creepers. He goes to knock when the door swings open. In the entranceway is a male with orange hair. Chongyun opens his mouth to speak, before the male interrupts.

"Another exorcist? This is the fifth this month. I assure you, we have broken no rules, so can you please stop sending people? If I give you the tour, you'll let this whole thing go, right? Just as long as I can prove we're not a threat?" The male asks. Shocked, the exorcist nods, and the second male grins.

"Perfect! Come on in, but leave your exorcising gear in the umbrella holder. I'm Childe, by the way, the Guardian of this house for the supernatural." The male closes the door behind the exorcist, who does as he is told. Then, the tour begins.

"Over there is for our resident werewolf pack. The beta Razor is in there with his mate, Bennett. Razor may seem a bit dim, but do not underestimate him. He was literally raised by full wolves." Childe walks past the door after gesturing to two males curled up in a bed together. The appeared to be cuddling.

"And over here is our one month vampire. She doesn't know how to be around those with blood yet, so I'd avoid her." The male gestures to a locked door before continuing.

"Our resident gods and adeptus, Zhongli, Venti, Xiao." The three were playing cards, one with long hair, one with braids, and one who looked like he was planning murder. Chongyun hurries past that room.

"Our local elves, Amber, Noelle, Diluc, Kaeya, Jean, and Klee." That room was chaotic. There was a little girl being scolded by a blond woman, a male with red hair sighing, a male with blue hair chuckling, and a female with whitish grey hair starting to try fix a hole in the floor.

"Our resident zombie is asleep right now, and our vampire probably is as well. Our guide and traveller are both on missions, but they'll be back soon. However, we do have our ghosts!" The orange haired male opens a door to a room with one ghost with blue hair in plaits. She grins at the exorcist.

"Hi! Want to try some?" She points to the pot that is boiling on a stove.

"Not right now, Xiangling. Do you know where Hu Tao is?" Childe looks slightly worried.

Suddenly, there is a giggling, the bursting of a door, and hissing. Behind them, a female with brown hair is floating, holding garlic, and a male with navy hair is making a terrifying face, fangs bared. He has a nasty rash on his arm.

"Hi Tao, stop with the garlic pranks." Childe sighs, turning to the vampire. "Come on, let's head to the infirmary."

Chongyun and Xingqiu, as the exorcist learns his name is, end up walking next to each other.

"So... uh, do you... drink human blood, or-" The exorcist awkwardly tries to start up a conversation.

"I'm a vegetarian vampire. And for future reference, most vampires would be highly offended from that question."

"A what?"

The vampire sighs. "It's the name given to those who don't drink human blood, but sustain themselves on . It's agitating, as I grow weaker by the day. The traveller is out searching for potentials for my vie liée." He begins to walk faster again. The exorcist notices his eyes becoming like cat slits and decides to back off. That's probably a sign of hunger.

At the infirmary, Childe disappears to go deal with Hu Tao. There are two people there. A male with blonde hair called Albedo, and his assistant with cat ears and green hair, Sucrose. The two are quietly talking with Xingqiu in the corner. Chongyun sits down to watch.

When the vampire tries to stand up, he falls back down, wincing. The other male drags the exorcist over.

"What's the deal with Xingqiu?" He asks, concerned about the vampire. He hadn't known him for long, but there's something so lonely and sad about him that Chongyun wanted to protect him and learn more.

"He keep starving himself rather than drinking blood. If it's not to much to ask, could he borrow some of yours?" Albedo looks at the exorcist so pleadingly it's hard to refuse. The male pulls down his collar so the vampire can reach his neck. Xingqiu shakes his head, looking pale and nauseous, although a bit of drool escapes his mouth.

"I- I couldn't-" He seems to be controlling himself very well.

"I don't mind. You need it more than I do."

With that, the vampire's self control seems to escape him. He bites down onto the exorcist's neck with his fangs, and then removes the fangs and places his mouth on to feast.

Chongyun waits until the male finishes, and then moves away slightly to get a plaster put on his neck by Albedo.

"I think this is all I need to see. I'll report to my authorities that this house has no need to be exorcised, and-"

The exorcist stands up to leave, but then the floor comes rushing up to him, and everything goes black.

Word count: 876

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