Peter X Reader - I'm sorry

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(I haven't checked the grammar yet so pls don't judge me.)

Today was my first day at the avenger building. Tony decided that I belong to the Avengers and to be honest I was kinda afraid of belonging to a group of people that I never met.

„Welcome Y/N."

Tony said when I arrived. Everything was very modern and clean. A woman came towards us.

„hey I'm Natasha."


I said smirking while we did a hand shake. Natasha and Tony led me to the room where every avenger waited for me.

„This is Y/N."

Tony said to everyone and pushed me in the middle of the room. I felt embarrassed.


Almost everyone said.

„What are her powers?"

A guy shouted into the room. I turned around to Tony and he nodded at me. I closed my eyes and concentrated myself. Almost everything in the room began to hover of the ground. 

„wow that's so cool!"

A boy said who sat on the couch amazed.

„Thank you"

I said and smirked at him.

After we all get to know each other. Almost everyone got back into their room or did their own stuff.


Tony said and waved to me.

„I would like to introduce you to Peter."

He said as I arrived next to him.

„You both are the only teenagers here so I think you'll get along very well."

He said and left me with Peter alone. Peter was a little bit taller then me. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

„So what are your powers?"

I asked to break the silence.

„they're not as cool as yours."

He said.

„I can show you them if you want to?"

He asked and I answered with a nod. I followed him into his room. He showed me his suit and I exactly knew who he was.

„Spider Man"


He said proud.

„What's that?"

I said while I was walking towards a table where some chemicals lay. I touched one of them.

„don't touch them."

He said and accidentally touched my hand to put it away. His hands were warm unlike mine. He very fast putted his hands away.


„n- no I'm sorry, I mean I should not have touched something."

„well yes"

He said and we both laughed. We almost spend the whole day with just talking and getting to know each other.

*next morning*

I woke up from the alarm on my phone. It was 7am and Tony wanted me to train at 8am. I got ready for the training and walked into the gym. I came ten minutes too late, because I couldn't find it. This building was too big.

I fighted against Tony. He made it really easy for me. You could tell that he thought that I couldn't fight.

„We have a horror night this evening you can come if you want."

He said.

„We're just watching a horror movie and Peter comes too."

He continued and winked. I laughed.

„What do you mean with ‚Peter comes too'?"

I asked him smirking.

„You two seem to really like each other don't you?"


I answered smirking while I drunk some water. My training ended after Pepper came in to discuss something with Tony.

I still wasn't sure if I should go to the horror night, but I decided to go to get closer to the other Avengers.

When I got there nobody was in the living room where we wanted to watch the movie. They all where in the kitchen making food or searching for food. I sat down and waited for everyone to come.

A few minutes later the room was full of people. I sat alone next to me was no one until Peter came. Peter came 10 minutes to late and almost missed the whole beginning.


He whispered as he walked in front of the monitor.


I said quiet and smirked.


He said back and sat himself next to me. The movie wasn't very creepy. It was alright. Almost on the end of the movie I felt how Peter laid his arm around my neck. It was kinda awkward for the first few seconds but after a while I laid my head on his shoulder.


I heard Tony almost shouting in my direction. I gave him an angry face and then I concentrated myself on the movie again.

When the film ended everyone left the room besides Thor who fell asleep while watching the movie. Peter took me back to my room.

„uhmm that was a good movie."

He said and smirked. The movie actually wasn't that good but I think he just said that to start a conversation.


I said and smirked back. Silence reigned for a few seconds until Peter came close to me and kissed me. First I was surprised that he kissed me but then I kissed him back. His lips were soft and warm. It was a quick kiss. He slowly moved his face away from mine.

„I'm sorry."

I said.

„No I'm sorry I mean I kissed you."

He said and we both laughed because we remembered the chat from yesterday that was exactly the same.

„Actually the kiss was quiet nice."

I said.

„Well that you don't mind if we'd to it again."

He said and kissed me. After this day we both became boyfriend and girlfriend. Tony was very happy for us as well as the other Avengers.

I hope you liked this one shot. I'm very sorry that I haven't posted on two days. A new POV on TikTok is probably coming tomorrow. I'd appreciate a vote!! (tab on the star)

check out my other! I'm only writing one shots when I don't have something to upload. Therefore I recommend reading my other story where I'm active.

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