Steve x Reader - back together

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(I don't own any of the marvel content!)

Since 3 Months I live in this building with all my idiot friends. Well some of them aren't idiots! For example.... Okay they're all idiots.

I was taking a shower when one of my friends knocked on to the door. I couldn't hear the knock because the water was too loud.

First when I walked with a towel wrapped around me into my room, I saw Steve sitting on my bed. His eyes looked first down until they arrived back at my face.

Y/N: „Stop checking me out captain!"

I said and smirked. He and I were very close. It didn't really bother me when he saw me like that.

It actually has happened to me before...

Steve: „Put your close on. We want to train now Beautiful!"

He said walking slowly to the door.

He often called me „Beautiful" and I often called him „Captain".

Me and him used to be together a while ago but we decided to be friends because it destroyed our friendship.

I decided to go with a black leggings and a sports bra.

In front of my door was already Steve waiting for me.

Steve: „ can't go there like that! You look half naked Y/N!"

He said while he was pushing me slowly to my room again. I rolled my eyes.

He went to my closet and took out a shirt. It was his fav shirt of mine. When we were together, he always wanted me to wear this.

*in the training room*

We were training for an hour now. First we did some workouts and then we started fighting on a mattress in the middle of our gym.

Y/N: „c'mon punsh me harder Captain!"

You said and smirked.

He was too careful with his punches.

When he tried to hit me, I grabbed his fist and forced him to the ground.

Y/N: „Good punch!"

I said and tried to provoke him.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me to the side so that he lay on top of you. He slowly got up and offered me his hand so that I could stand up.

When I was about to get up, I noticed that blood was dripping from his cheek. His ear was bleeding. I took my hand and put it on his cheek to turn his head so I could get a better look at the injury.

Y/N: „oh no I- I'm so sorry!"

You said a little sad.

Steve: „It's okay. I've had worse injuries."

Steve said putting his hand on mine. He took my hand and put it from his face.

In this moment It felt like we would be still together. He still hold my hand and we were very close until....

Tony: „hey you two! wanna come down eat with us to breakfast?"

Tony said walking into the room.

It was almost lunchtime. Therefore I was very hungry and wanted to eat my favourite cereal.

*in the kitchen*

I stood on the kitchen counter grabbing the cereal box. Steve came from the side and tapped on my shoulder.

Steve: „Can we talk for a second?"

He said.

Y/N: „sure...right now?"

I said and smirked politely.

He answered with a nod and smirked. We both went to a corner of the room where nobody could hear us.

Steve: „„

He said, looking down at the floor from time to time. After a few seconds he finally started to speak.

Steve: „I miss you..."

He said looking right into my eyes. He had bright blue eyes. They looked kinda like the ocean...beautiful.

Y/N: „you miss me?...but I'm right here!"

You said.

Steve: „But I miss spending the whole day with you, hugging you, cuddle with you and kissing you."

He said putting one hand onto my right shoulder.

Y/N: „but I'm right here..."

I leaned forward and placed one hand on his cheek and one around his neck.

Steve: „ouch"

He said because I accidentally touched his ear which was injured. He laughed and I laughed too.

I pulled him slowly close. He was taller then me so he had to bend his back a little. Finally our lips touched. The kiss was perfect. We never had a kiss like this before even when we were together. We slowly moved our lips from eachother and smirked. Steve pulled me even close and kissed me again but this time with more passion. In this moment I knew that he was the right one for me.

I hope you liked this one shot! This time it's longer than the Thor one. I want to actually start a story/book soon. If you have any wishes let me know! And I always appreciate a vote!

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