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Rainbow's POV

I opened my eyes.  Ugh, this room is too pink. The door of the room slowly opened.

"Ah-ha! Miss Dash, your awake! How are you doing?" Asked the doctor who came in.

"I'm good" I said bluntly trying to keep up with the act of being evil.

" You have visitors. Shall I let them in?" Doctor asked.

'Who would want to meet me? I'm a villain right? Meh, probably Blitzy and the girls' I thought. I nodded in response. He went outside and called whoever was coming to meet me. The door slowly opened, and in came Blitzy, Rares, Prince Soarin and little Princess Sofia. 

'More than expected' I thought.

"How are you doing nice and sweet Rainbow Dash" Princess Sofia asked with a smirk.

"I'm goo-wait what?" I asked confused, then realization hit my head and my face turned pink as I duck myself under the covers of the bed I'm in. They began to laugh.

"U told them didn't you?" I said peeping out of the covers and squinted my eyes at Rares and Blitz.

"Mmmmaybe" Rares said fiddling with her fingers.

"Don't worry, we didn't completely believe them" Soarin said.

"Speaking of that, can u lend your recorder pen for a second Dash?" Blitz asked.

"Umm sure?" I said and took out my pen and handed it to him.

He played the latest recording on it.

"No!! I can't take this anymore!!" I yelled still crying

"Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity asked

"I know, my father, OUR parents want us to steal the Amulet. But deep inside something is stopping me. I don't want to be like our parents!! I want to be.......nice" I said sobbing in between.

" Its okay. Actually, we also don't want to do this, we are just accompanying you because we are a family and our moms will get haywire if we don't go together. Evil or not, We love you and always will okay?" AJ cooed in a scratchy voice 

"Okay, but I'm scared what our parents will do to us...." I said

"Us too...Us too" AJ said 

The recording stopped.

"Now we believe" Sofia said pursing her lips.

"How are you doing?" Blitz asked concerned about me being his sister.

"I'm good, honestly. But I think the heater of the room is useless if the door is open" I said pointing at the door which is left open.

"Right!" Soarin said and closed the door. The room was much more cozy now except for the fact it is.....well...Pink.

"I have 3 questions" I said.

"Ask away" Rarity said.

"In whose room am I, where is AJ and how is she doing?" I asked a little concerned in the end. She has always been like a big sister to me, and Rares even though she is slightly overdramatic.

"You are in my room" Sofia said.

"That explains the pink colour" I murmured.

"I'm right beside u sugarcube, and I'm good. Thank you fer asking" A southern accent said. When I looked to my left, I noticed AJ lying down near me with smile. Why did I not notice this much time??!

"So, since both of u are good, What is your decision? Are you willing to be good and stay here at Canterlot along with us. Or do you want to be evil and stay at the Evil Isle forever?" Sofia asked.

I glanced at Blitz and Rarity, they smiled and nodded. Then I took a look at AJ, who grabbed my hand and squeezed it in response with a smile.

"We are willing to be good and stay here" I said. Soarin and Sofia smiled and nodded.

"Great choice, we'll send a note to your parents about this for their awareness" Sofia said, I sat up straight. Blitz rubbed my back softly. The girls and my brother hugged me. We left the room and head off to our dorm.

On the way, the last death glare father shot at me before leaving reappeared in my mind sending shivers down my spine.

Narrator's POV

Little did they know.....A daughter/VTs and father war is coming soon..

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