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Prince Soarin's POV (haha..didn't expect that did ya?)

It's 7 in the morning, Me and my sister, as usual took a round in the museum to check whether everything is kept in position. We saw the door left open. My sister began to get suspicious.

"The museum only opens at 9 right Soar?" Sofia asked.

"Yes, we'll just on all the heaters and doors to check whether anything is stolen" I said to her. She nodded.

Sofia went upstairs the museum and switched on the top floor heaters and doors while I didn't the bottom floor. Then suddenly I heard Sofia call me.

"Soarin!!" She yelled. I went upstairs to see what happened.

"What is it Sof-oh my celestia!! Sofi call the medical people from the palace, I'll take care of them. Fast!" I instructed to Sofia. The view I saw when I came to check on her was Rainbow Dash lying on the floor with her knees to her chest with a second degree frostbite, Applejack leaning on the wall sitting on the floor with her skin pale, Rainbow Blitz and Rarity shivering. 

"They will be here any minute now" Sofia said

"Thanks Sofi, now can you go put the heater on full so that atleast Blitz and Rarity doesn't feel cold" I asked her. She nodded and went up to the wall controller outside the room and put it on high. The ambulance came and took Rainbow Dash and Applejack on the stretcher. After a while, Blitz and Rarity began to move.

"Soarin! They are moving!" Called out my sister.

I went up to them and sat them a chair each. 

"Thank you for helping us out" Rarity said with a weak smile.

"No problem, don't worry about the other 2 girls. They are at the palace. Now would you mind telling why you were here and when u came here?" Sofia asked raising an eyebrow with her arms crossed.

"Our parents threatened us to bring the Alicorn Amulet to them. Honestly we didn't want to steal, but we were scared that our parents would do something even worse if we didn't steal it." Blitz said.

"Any proof? Hmm?" Sofi asked, she is really protective when it comes to the future of Canterlot.

"I don-"Rarity was cut off by Blitz.

"Maybe we do..." Blitz said arching his eyebrows in a thinking manner.

"How exactly?" Rarity asked Blitz

"While Dash was sobbing saying she can't continue the mission anymore, I think I noticed her recorder pen was ON because a red light was flickering and that only happens when it is ON." Blitz said

"Great idea!! We'll ask her the pen when we go to see her. Speaking of which, can we go and meet her after getting changed. We were in the same clothes since Friday night" Rarity said looking at her dress irritatedly.

"You were here since Friday? But still only AJ and RD was in that condition?" Sofi asked in disbelief. Its already Winter season here, and along with that the heaters weren't on, I would say these 2 are pretty strong.

"Even though we are evil and maniacal, Dash has the weakest body among us all. Applejack comes second after that. The 2 of us can still hold on but those 2 can't." Blitz said.

"Medicine. We need to take her medicines with us too, she hasn't eaten them for the last 2 days." Rarity reminded Blitz. Blitz nodded in response.

"Okay, so both of you go get ready and pack a few stuffs to take to the palace that you need. We'll be waiting" I said.

"Yes, your highness" Rarity said kindly with a curtsy and ran to their room with Blitz while mine and Sofia's mouths hug wide open.

"Did she just?" Sofia asked finding words to say after Rarity curtsied to us with a kind tone for the first time.

"I guess they really will change" I said.

"I hope so too" Sofia said.

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