Part 1 "Hello SEVENTEEN"

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"Say The Name"


Carat looked out the window of her bathroom and sighed. It'll rain later, she thought, disgusted at the prospect. Rain meant her day off would be far more... indoors. Boring.
Despite no longer seeing a point in washing her hair, Carat turned on her SEVENTEEN playlist and got in the shower while "Rock With You" blasted. With this, her mood brightened.
Finished, she towel dried and dressed herself to be fashioned like a riské jogger with yoga pants and a brazier. Not leaving the privacy of her bathroom for a while, she saved her shirt to be put on later when she didn't have a huge towel wrapped around her hair.
Balancing, Carat stepped out of the tub, but with only one foot out, something hit her. Not quite an actual 'something' as it wasn't an object, but a force.
Resembling a gale wind that sunk into her body, possibly into her very soul, it darted in every direction like a thousand pinballs. Carat clung to the shower curtain when dizziness joined the attack. Grey spots soon followed, blinding her vision as her body went limp. Carat felt her body drop, but didn't feel the ground, instead she kept going. Losing her sense of time and space, she fell. Down. Down. Deeper into an oblivion somewhere between body and death. It seemed an eternity that she was there, unable to move or fight. Then the force left her. As quickly as it had taken control, it was gone.
Ground, Carat thought, understanding by the pain shooting from her hip and shoulder that she had collapsed. Pushing herself to her hands and knees brought on a headache that pierced through every thought save one. What happened?
Supporting her head with a cold palm, she kept it down-turned in an attempt to regather herself. I need water, Carat thought, then I'll call EXO L Unnie (언니, ,older sister). She listened for a moment as SEVENTEEN'S "Pretty You" played in the background before bracing herself and looking up to where her vanity should have been. Instead a figure stood across the small bathroom.
She pushed herself back and froze seeing the figure was a man. He didn't seem to acknowledge her, but leaned over a vanity putting white foam on his face. Carat let out a squeal when he started belting to the song.
Flailing, the man faced her. He let out a sharp scream that Carat matched as she staggered back to her tub. Only, her foot never met a tub, she eventually felt a wall and found herself inside a walk-in shower.
I'm not home, she realized.

~Seungkwan (thirty seconds later)~

Traumatically surprised, Seungkwan finally got the door knob to turn despite the lotion on his hands. Escaping out of the bathroom, he felt a heavy object hitting his shoulder before hearing the door slam shut behind him. Stopping mid-hallway, he looked back to the bathroom. What just happened?
As he tried to process the last minute, Seungkwan started to feel the bruises from every object the crazy girl had thrown at him before that cursed door would open. The initial gallon sized shampoo jug would certainly leave it's mark on his temple.
Looking for someone to help in this bizarre situation, Seungkwan started for Seungcheol's (S. Coups) room. Hearing the front door open, though, he rushed for whoever had entered instead.
Sliding into the foryer, he met Seokmin (DK), Jun, and Hansol (Vernon).
"There's a girl in the bathroom!" Seungkwan shouted, pointing somewhere behind him. They all looked him, even Jun peeled away from his phone. They looked at him like he was... insane.
Vernon was the first to move on. Seungkwan watched him walk around him like this happened every day.
"You're kidding!" Seokmin (DK) jumped in with his animated tone before dropping his smile and following Vernon.
"I'm being serious!" Seungkwan huffed, not understanding why he was being ignored.
Third was Jun. Seungkwan caught his arm and stopped him. "Hyung (형, older brother/friend), there's a girl in the bathroom. This isn't a joke."
Jun gave him a gentle, unbelieving smile while wiping off his grip and returning his attention to his phone as he walked by.
"Ya! {야, Hey)" Seungkwan shouted as informally and loud as he could. The silence that followed pierced the dorm stronger than his falsetto. Finally he had their attention.
This time he says it slowly, "There is a girl in the bathroom. I have no idea how she got there, but we need to call the police." They considered him a minute, clearly having their doubts. Seungkwan doubted it himself, but he'd leave the building before going back in there alone.
There was a pause. DK broke it by making straight for the bathroom. They all followed suit while Seungkwan stayed behind tall Jun in preparation to flee and leave the rest to face the she-monster themselves.

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