Part 7 "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"

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~SeungCheol (S. Coups/ leader)~
5:29am KST
      SeungCheol swung his head around when the side door opened. MinGyu, who was already late, took his time entering talking to a girl intern. They looked like they might be fighting though. Wrap it up, you green-haired flirt, he thought, trying to keep his face from looking irritated in front of the cameras present. But MinGyu didn't separate from the girl as they approached where the guys were already practicing.
      Are you trying to get us chased by Dispatch? He thought as MinGyu walked up and greeted him expectantly. "What?"
"I just want to introduce our new intern," he smiled while casting a meaningful look.
The girl said something in English before pulling down her mask. At seeing Carat SeungCheol's heart dropped.
"You're back," he whispered, dismayed.
Looking to MinGyu for some kind of release to his surprise, the young man looked optimistic. Maybe something good has happened, he grasped the hope.
"I think that this is the best place for you, Carat. So long as you keep showing up around us, won't you being an intern be the best cover? No one would question it. On the other hand, a girl who is constantly around SEVENTEEN and keeps running from them will get everyone talking and connect the dots to the other nights."
The words didn't register. SeungCheol (S. Coups) had to work through what was said carefully like a puzzle. Finally, he squinted and turned to Carat. "When did you get here?"
      She expectantly flitted her eyes back and forth between MinGyu and him.
      "I don't think that she understands you," MinGyu muttered through the side of his mouth.
      Inwardly SeungCheol growled. "Can you translate? You just talked to her in Korean."
      "Oh right, yes, and she already told me. Carat said that she arrived a while ago. JiSoo found her first but she had to hide from the manager, I found her. Did you hear what I said, though? She can pose as an intern. I told an employee that she was our English intern. If we want anything than we have to ask her in English." MinGyu finished with a smile too pleased for the crisis they faced.
      "What if she disappears in front of a camera?"
MinGyu shrugged. "That could happen anywhere in this building. This way there's an excuse for her."
"일분! (ilbūn/One minute!)" Someone from the camera crew shouted. Looking around for any other options, SeungCheol saw JiSoo enter the huge practice room with their manager.
"Does she know when she's about to disappear?" SeungCheol asked attempting to look casual while watching the crew scurry to position and the exhausted members lumber to their dance formation.
      "Nope. She's dizzy, faints, then disappears."
      SeungCheol met Carat's eyes before deciding. Can we trust her, or should I have security throw her out to keep the group unassociated with the anomaly? Studying her eyes carefully, she looked scared, but something in them was loyal too. A gripping warmth that revealed the trust she already had toward him. Hesitating, SeungCheol broke the eye contact and addressed MinGyu."Tell her to stay close to at least one member at all times or hide in the corner. She has to say as soon as she feels dizzy so we can get her out of here and hold her up when she faints."
      Once he finished translating, SeungCheol addressed MinGyu. "Telephone with me that if she faints, we are to block her from the cameras and say she's having a seizure. When she's gone we'll say that she probably ran off embarrassed."
"Okay," MinGyu answered nobly, setting off immediately to carry out his orders.
      SeungCheol left alone with Carat, looked her over one last time. She won't blend into a crowd well, he thought. He discreetly used his eyes to cue her to hang around the far wall. Watching her walk over, he had an alarming thought. I'll have to worry about the guy's falling for her if she keeps coming. That could divide the group from within, he worried. Shaking himself, he tore his vision back and b-lined over to his place among the members in position. No reason to worry yet.
      He stood face to face with Seungkwan in his starting pose, so he whispered. "Carat is here." Immediately, Seungkwan's eyes widened. He touched his forehead where he continuously complained about the bruise that she had left him upon first meeting.
"She is acting as our American intern so we speak to her in English. If she looks dizzy then take her out of sight and hold her in case she faints. If there's a scene, block her from view and say she's having a seizure. We don't know where she "runs" off to after that. Pass it along."
      "In position!" The choreographer shouted. "We're starting in one, two, three!"
Following it's cue, Seventeen's song started and the group moved to it as one.

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