Part 15 "Like Nothing's Happened"

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4;48pm KST
      Flipping through shirts in the merchandise store, Carat tried to think of how she might pay for it. She had already stuffed that cursed robe in a dumpster, but she now needed actual clothes. Stealing was not an option, she would sooner admit where she was in America than that.
      Just as she found a shirt her size; wondering if she would have to tell everyone the truth; JiSoo (Joshua) burst into the store, JeongHan following slowly behind.
      "There you are!" JiSoo gasped when they locked eyes and ran over. He gave her a side-hug as soon as he reached her, JeongHan did not. "We've been looking everywhere for you," he started. "They were thinking that you went back already."
Carat laughed. "I just needed some real clothes. I look crazy out there in these pajamas."
JeongHan and JiSoo's smiles wavered a bit. They almost looked sad, and awkward.
"So clothes?" JeongHan started abruptly. "We can get that for you."
"I'll pay for it, anything you want," JiSoo (Joshua) offered.
Aw, that's so sweet, Carat thought, trying hard to not compare the moment to a Kdrama.
"I'll shop around with her, can you call SeungCheol (S. Coups)?" JeongHan asked JiSoo. "Everyone's looking for her."
"Everyone's looking for me?" Carat asked, unable to stop a smile. That's more than what she could say back in America.
"Well, some gave up," JiSoo interjected.
JeongHan took the shirt that she'd found and held it to her. It was a white top that was cut above her hips and would fit her curves well enough. "This is cute. And what about pants? Do they have any?"
"Sweats!" Carat cheered and lead the way, JeongHan followed with a cute skip.
Stepping out from the changing curtain, Carat did a twirl to JeongHan and settled in front of the mirror. A cute top with black, high waisted cargo sweats.
"I like it," JeongHan commented from behind her.
JiSoo walked up then with Seokmin (DK) and Wonu (WonWoo). Oh shoot they'll remember the pajamas, Carat thought, kicking the white pajamas in a corner. JiSoo smiled to Carat through the mirror's reflection. No one seemed to notice her behavior. Good.
"You look like one of our backup dancers!" Seokmin laughed when he was right behind her.
"You just need shoes," JeongHan stated.
Looking down at her bright orange socks, Carat flushed. Those cursed socks were the bane of her existence. Orange: flight risk.
      Wonu said something in Korean with his deep enthralling voice. It felt like Carat's heart forgot to beat. Only around the fifth time recollecting the moment, Carat realized that he wasn't wearing his SEVENTEEN ring.
      "We all do!" Seokmin suddenly cheered. As Carat was about to question what had been suggested, Seokmin snatched her hand and scurried them both to an accessories section.
      Releasing her hand, Seokmin put on a pair of flamingo sunglasses and a luau necklace. Spinning toward her he did a goofy Egyptian dance with his arms, inspiring a bursting laugh from Carat who matched his whimsy by slipping on a lace cat eye mask and headband before proceeding to meow and fake-lick her wrists. His laugh came out a bit too loud for people avoiding attention.
      The other two members walked up and picked out their own goofy disguises. JeongHan set apart the tiger one for SoonYoung (Hoshi) and a Lone Ranger eye mask with a cowboy hat for himself. With his black hair, Carat thought it all worked together quiet pleasantly.
      "So what are we getting ready for? Are we staying here at this park?" Carat asked holding a fox eye mask over Wonu's eyes to see how it looked. He didn't seem to appreciate that and took the mask himself. He did, however, put it on and left it.
      "Yes," JeongHan answered. "We'll get you a pass for the rides in a few minutes."
      Containing her excitement, Carat pulled out a reindeer mask for JiSoo who was still near the changing room on the phone with someone.
      Making her way back to him, she picked up a pair of white sneakers that looked her size.
      He finished the call as she walked up offering him the eye mask.
      In a second it was covering the top portion of his face. "On Dasher, on Dancer, Prancer, and... the others."
Carat giggled, glad to be happy and have people happy around her.
"So," He started in a more serious tone. "That was SeungCheol calling again. We'll run around here for a little, like forty minutes. Then we'll show you our new dorm so you'll always know where to find us. It's not far from here at all."
Carat nodded thankful for whatever fun she could get. "Okay! Let's fit in the whole park experience in less than one hour!"
"Okay we're ready," JeongHan announced, startling Carat who hadn't noticed their return. "JiSoo, I believe you said that you were buying? We picked out masks for everyone."
JiSoo laughed and responded in Korean. {"I'm buying for Carat and sure I'll buy the ones for whoever's not here. You guys make your own money. Use it."} Finishing whatever statement was being made, JiSoo started for the check out counter.
Exiting the store in better shape than when she'd entered, Carat adjusted her eye mask and faced the Korean world around her for once not feeling like an outsider or spectacle. She was with friends, kind of, who had her back and were changing their schedules to make her visit special.
"So," Seokmin jumped beside her, luau disguise and flamingo shades doing their jobs well. "What do think of Lotte World?"
Carat smiled as she took in the beauty around her. An indoor, whimsically themed terrarium with roller coasters of screaming families zipping over their heads. "It's glorious!"
"Better than a boring day at home?" JeongHan asked.
Carat felt a slight twinge. She would kill for a boring day at her home. To be home. "Of course!" She cheered.
As they neared the carousel Carat hung back so the members could reunite and speak with the departing film crew. JiSoo stayed with her.
"We were all looking forward to you coming again," he stated out of the blue.
Carat looked up at him. "Why?"
JiSoo was hesitating to answer when SeungCheol (S. Coups) walked up. "Are you ready to have some fun?"
• • •
5:03pm KST
Approaching the ticket booth with JiSoo, MinGyu and SoonYoung, Carat tried hard to hold back a yawn. Not because she was bored, but tired.
JiSoo noticed. "The time change?"
"Yeah," she sighed. "It's like four AM in America."
      "Oh, I'll get you some coffee!" SoonYoung offered running off immediately.
MinGyu laughed watching him go. "Do you like coffee?"
Reigning in a smile Carat looked up at him. "He doesn't need to know that."
The line didn't take too long and soon they were in front of a clerk who spoke to the guys in Korean.
JiSoo said something in Korean as he pulled out his wallet, something that made MinGyu step forward and hand his card quickly to the clerk.
     "I'll pay," he said quickly. "From what I won for betting that she was innocent."
No longer interested in their behavior, Carat perked up. "You bet on me?"
JiSoo hesitated. "It was right after you first appeared."
As a laugh broke out, Carat made her eyes narrow. "And what did you bet?"
Clearing his throat, JiSoo stepped out of line looking around. "I think SoonYoung's lost I really should find him." He gave her a coy smile before quickly skipping away.
MinGyu sighed through his Hulk mask, a play on his green hair. "He claimed very specifically that you were a criminal YeongHee on the run from the law. He lost forty thousand won ($30ish). Lucky for me."
      The clerk returned him his card and gave a strip of paper to Carat. It was a bracelet that MinGyu obligingly wrapped and stuck on her wrist. His fingers were warm.
      "So... did anyone else bet on me?" Carat asked as they started back for the carousel.
      "Oh everyone bet! Most thought you were crazy." Carat felt like a thorn had pricked her. MinGyu's laughter stopped short and he gave her an apologetic look. "No one thinks that now, though."
      Carat flushed. We'll see. "Were you the only one that thought I was innocent?"
      "Oh, no! I had to share the winnings with Seokmin and SeungCheol."
SeungCheol? Really? "Why didn't you think I was crazy? Everything led to it."
The tall, handsome man smiled sweetly down to her. "I had a gut feeling."
Turning away to cover her blushing face, Carat cleared her throat. "Well, I'm not crazy." She declared the words to herself and to possibly the only person that will believe them when everything is found out.
• • •
5:24pm KST
"Careful! It's choppy right there!" Carat called to MingHao right before his legs flew out in front of him and he landed hard on the ice.
Her and three other members all exploded into uncontrollable laughter. From his back he sent her an exasperated look that needed no translation.
Sliding up to Seokmin (DK) they giggled together. "So The8 can't figure eight...?"
He gave her an odd look and she realized that the Korean translation probably didn't come out the same.
"You're doing good at this!" He complimented as they began to skate alongside each other. "We have a few more things that we can do. Has anything caught your eye."
"While everything has caught my eye..." Carat laughed. "I want that French one."
Seokmin smiled. "Good choice we were just on it earlier. MinGyu almost threw up."
Carat laughed. "Did you like it?"
"I did! Let's go! You and me!"
Carat smiled but the English translation came out a bit datey. "Eh... Absolutely! And JeongHan too. I know he loves those."
Seokmin pulled out a phone and sent out a text to a group chat named "The Mafia". Not that Carat was looking over his shoulder or anything.
"Who's the mafia?" She asked when he was done.
"Us! SEVENTEEN's group text is called "The Mafia". You'll be on it too, or a version of it, once you can take a phone back."
Carat frowned. Why do they think I need to wait. I do, but is there another reason? "Why are we waiting to get another phone?"
Seokmin sent her an awkward smile. "We are, uh... waiting for a newer model to come out. We're endorsed by Apple, so... we'll get you a nice one. Soon."
With that he skated off to the exit where some other members were already waiting for them.
      He's a bad liar, she thought in confusion.
• • •
5:35pm KST
Exiting the ride, Carat felt exhilarated and a little sick.
JeongHan laughed when he saw her. "Next let's go on the Big Loop. That'll make you feel better."
Carat smiled keeping a mental account of the nearest trash bins. "What else is fun?"
"The Conquistador?" MingHao (The8) suggested as he walked up, combing back long wind blown hair with his fingers.
Carat swallowed hard and looked away. "Yeah, sure. Let's do it."
• • •
5:46pm KST
Looking up at the huge swinging pirate ship, Carat let out a sigh. They had run across the whole park for this ride, but Carat wasn't sure if she was up for it.
"You are evil," she said to MingHao who stood across from her, beaming.
"Nah. It'll be fun," Seungkwan suggested.
Carat bit her lip to stop a smile. "Okay, let's do it. But if I get sick I'm aiming for you." He was going to respond but Carat skipped over to MinGyu. "Will you come on too?"
His eyes narrowed. "It would kill me."
"Let's all die together!" SoonYoung (Hoshi) cheered.
"No one's allowed to die today," SeungCheol (S. Coups) announced walking up with JiHoon (Woozi), Jun, Hansol (Vernon), and Wonu who, as Carat understood it, had all been keeping public attention at the carousel with the film crew instead of joining their fun. Their disguises were all face mask and hat. They looked like they had COVID.
Hansol looked at the ride skeptically. "So we ride this then head home?"
"Why not head home now?" MinGyu suggested.
Jumping into line Carat laughed. "You might like it."
Begrudgingly MinGyu stepped into the line with her. "If I throw up. I'm aiming for you."
With their scaredy-cat taking lead, the rest of SEVENTEEN stepped into line and together they used their VIP passes to skip the line and climb aboard the ship for its next voyage.
Carat sat on a row with MinGyu, JiSoo, Seokmin, and SeungCheol in the center of the ship while the thrill seekers of SEVENTEEN ran to the far front and back.
Carat settled in trying to keep an appropriate distance between her and MinGyu. Then the boat started to swing.
• • •
Harboring a massive headache, Carat had her eyes squeezed shut and worked mainly on not vomiting. JiHoon (Woozi) was in front of her, it turned out, and that would not be easily forgiven.
Each time the boat swung back, Carat would fall into her bar which was placed a bit too far away so she would lean forward to hug it. At some point as they went forward and fell back into their chairs, she felt MinGyu tap her shoulder. Jerking her head up, she saw that MinGyu had put his arm across her safety rail so she would fit safer. Not having time to think, the boat swung back and she was thrown into hugging his arm. Safer now for it and slightly focused on hiding her blush.
When the ride finally settled, Carat ignored the whole group, especially MinGyu, and made for the nearest trash bin where she stayed glued until her nausea settled.
"So?" She overheard JeongHan asking MinGyu. "How did to like the ride? We've never been able to get you on one before."
"Oh, I actually enjoyed it. I was scared for myself in the beginning, then I saw how scared... everyone else was and I just worried about them after that."
"Need another minute?" SeungCheol asked Carat. Putting an end to her eavesdropping.
Readjusting her cat mask, she straightened. "All good. Are we ready to check out your dorm?"
SeungCheol gave her a smile that felt like it had significance, but Carat didn't know what about. "Yeah. Let's go home."
• • •
6:12pm KST
      Looking out the window of SEVENTEEN's van, one of three filled with members in route to the dorm, the foreign world sped by. It was a beautiful city. Set up much like the ones in America.
It would have been a most interesting scenery compared to her asylum in America if she didn't have to fight so hard not to doze. She was in Korea. She had spent days just dreaming and wishing about coming back here. Wake up! She mentally screamed, slightly rousing herself.
      "Carat," SeungCheol (S. Coups) called softly from the chair beside her.
      Snapping to full attention, Carat turned to him. He looked miserable. "What's wrong?"
      "Carat," SEVENTEEN's leader began. "Where are you going back to in America?"

~To Be Continued~

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